1 year ago
35 changed files with 4429 additions and 32 deletions
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<script setup> |
import { ref, watchEffect } from 'vue'; |
import { MessagePlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; |
import { REQUEST_UPLOAD_FILE } from '@/config/urls'; |
import auth from '@/utils/auth'; |
const props = defineProps({ |
modelValue: { |
type: [String, Array], |
default: '', |
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subject: { |
type: String, |
required: true, |
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multiple: { |
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default: false, |
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const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue']); |
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watchEffect(() => { |
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originFile.value = [...(props.modelValue || []).map((url) => ({ name: 'image', url }))]; |
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originFile.value = [{ name: 'image', url: props.modelValue }]; |
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originFile.value = []; |
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const uploadRef = ref(); |
const handleFail = () => { |
MessagePlugin.error('文件上传失败'); |
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const handleSuccess = ({ response }) => { |
if (props.multiple) { |
const [{ data }] = response; |
const temp = [...(props.modelValue || [])]; |
temp.push(data); |
emit('update:modelValue', temp); |
return; |
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const { data } = response; |
emit('update:modelValue', data); |
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const handleRemove = ({ index }) => { |
if (props.multiple) { |
const temp = [...(props.modelValue || [])]; |
temp.splice(index, 1); |
emit('update:modelValue', temp); |
return; |
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emit('update:modelValue', ''); |
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Authorization: `Bearer ${auth.getToken()}`, |
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:locale="{ |
triggerUploadText: { |
image: '请选择图片', |
}, |
}" |
:multiple="multiple" |
@fail="handleFail" |
@success="handleSuccess" |
@remove="handleRemove" |
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/** |
* 事件调度类 |
*/ |
class EventDispatcher { |
// 支持的事件名
_supportedEventNames = ['click']; |
// 事件池
_eventPool = {}; |
constructor(supportedEventNames = []) { |
this._supportedEventNames = [ |
...this._supportedEventNames, |
...supportedEventNames, |
]; |
} |
on(eventName, eventHandler) { |
if (!this._supportedEventNames.includes(eventName)) return; |
if (eventName in this._eventPool) { |
if (!this._eventPool[eventName].includes(eventHandler)) { |
this._eventPool[eventName].push(eventHandler); |
} |
} else { |
this._eventPool[eventName] = [eventHandler]; |
} |
} |
once(eventName, eventHandler) { |
if (!this._supportedEventNames.includes(eventName)) return; |
const handler = payload => { |
eventHandler(payload); |
this.off(eventName, handler); |
}; |
this.on(eventName, handler); |
} |
off(eventName, eventHandler) { |
if (!this._supportedEventNames.includes(eventName)) return; |
if (eventName in this._eventPool) { |
if (!eventHandler) { |
delete this._eventPool[eventName]; |
return; |
} |
const index = this._eventPool[eventName].indexOf(eventHandler); |
if (index >= 0) { |
this._eventPool[eventName].splice(index, 1); |
} |
} |
} |
_trigger(eventName, payload = {}) { |
if (!this._supportedEventNames.includes(eventName)) return; |
if (!(eventName in this._eventPool)) return; |
(this._eventPool[eventName] || []).forEach(eventHandler => { |
eventHandler(payload); |
}); |
} |
} |
export default EventDispatcher; |
@ -0,0 +1,401 @@ |
/** |
* 绘制多边形 |
*/ |
import { action, computed, makeObservable, observable, reaction, values } from 'mobx'; |
import mapbox from 'mapbox-gl'; |
import * as turf from '@turf/turf'; |
import EventDispatcher from './EventDispatcher'; |
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
const aimCursor = 'url("") 16 16'; |
class ShapeCreator extends EventDispatcher { |
_topic = null; |
// 地图实例
_map = null; |
// 构成形状的点坐标
_coordinates = []; |
// 操作控制点
_markers = []; |
// 形状是否扭结
_isKinked = false; |
// 当前激活的marker索引
_activeMarkerIndex = -1; |
// 操控点提示
_markerTooltip = (new mapbox.Popup({ closeButton: false, offset: 6, className: 'shape-editor-popup' })).setHTML('按住可拖拽控制点<br>点击可微调控制点<br>点击第一个控制点可闭合形状'); |
// 闭合形状提示
_completeTooltip = (new mapbox.Popup({ closeButton: false, offset: 6, className: 'shape-editor-popup' })).setHTML('按住可拖拽控制点<br>点击可微调控制点,或闭合形状'); |
// 坐标编辑器
_coordinatePopupEditor = new mapbox.Popup({ offset: 6, className: 'shape-editor-popup' }); |
// 鼠标指针
_cursor = `${aimCursor}, crosshair`; |
// 视觉选项
_defaultStyle = { |
fillColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2)', |
edgeColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)', |
markerFillColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)', |
markerEdgeColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', |
}; |
_style = {}; |
get _sourceId() { |
return { |
FILL: `${this._topic}-shape-creator-fill-source`, |
EDGE: `${this._topic}-shape-creator-edge-source`, |
}; |
} |
get _layerId() { |
return { |
FILL: `${this._topic}-shape-creator-fill-layer`, |
EDGE: `${this._topic}-shape-creator-edge-layer`, |
}; |
} |
// 形状边线
get _shapeEdgeFeature() { |
if (this._coordinates.length < 2) { |
return turf.feature({}); |
} |
return turf.lineString(this._coordinates); |
} |
// 形状填充
get _shapeFillFeature() { |
if (this._coordinates.length < 3) { |
return turf.feature({}); |
} |
return turf.lineToPolygon(turf.lineString(this._coordinates)); |
} |
constructor(topic, mapInstance = null) { |
super(['shape_kinked', 'kink_recovered', 'completed']); |
this._topic = topic; |
if (mapInstance) this.setMap(mapInstance); |
this.initStyle(); |
this._initCoordinateEditor(); |
makeObservable(this, { |
_topic: observable, |
_coordinates: observable, |
_sourceId: computed, |
_layerId: computed, |
_shapeEdgeFeature: computed, |
_shapeFillFeature: computed, |
_appendToCoordinates: action, |
_updateCoordinates: action, |
clear: action, |
}); |
reaction(() => this._coordinates, () => { |
this._render(); |
this._updateCoordinateEditor(); |
}); |
} |
// 初始化视觉样式
initStyle(style = {}) { |
this._style = { |
...this._defaultStyle, |
...style, |
}; |
} |
setMap(mapInstance) { |
if (this._map === mapInstance) return; |
if (!(mapInstance instanceof mapbox.Map)) { |
throw new Error('必须传入一个mapbox地图实例'); |
} |
this._map = mapInstance; |
} |
// 开始创建
start() { |
this._map.on('mousemove', this._onHoverMap); |
this._map.on('click', this._onClickMap); |
} |
// 结束创建
end() { |
this._map.off('mousemove', this._onHoverMap); |
this._map.off('click', this._onClickMap); |
this._map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; |
} |
// 提交结果
commit() { |
if (!this._coordinates.length) return; |
this._trigger('completed', this._coordinates.map(coordinate => values(coordinate))); |
this.clear(); |
} |
// 追加新的坐标点
_appendToCoordinates(coordinate) { |
const newCoordinates = [...this._coordinates]; |
newCoordinates.push(coordinate); |
this._coordinates = newCoordinates; |
} |
// 更新坐标点
_updateCoordinates(index, coordinate) { |
const newCoordinates = [...this._coordinates]; |
newCoordinates[index] = coordinate; |
this._coordinates = newCoordinates; |
} |
_initCoordinateEditor() { |
const node = document.createElement('div'); |
node.className = 'form'; |
node.innerHTML = ` |
<div><label>经度:<input class="lng" type="text" value=""></label></div> |
<div><label>纬度:<input class="lat" type="text" value=""></label></div> |
<div class="buttons"> |
<button class="confirm">确定</button> |
<button class="close-shape success-bg-color">闭合形状</button> |
</div> |
this._coordinatePopupEditor.setDOMContent(node); |
this._coordinatePopupEditor.on('close', () => { |
this._activeMarkerIndex = -1; |
}); |
node.querySelector('.confirm').addEventListener('click', this._onConfirmCoordinate); |
node.querySelector('.close-shape').addEventListener('click', this._onCommitShape); |
} |
_updateCoordinateEditor(toggleButton = false) { |
if (this._activeMarkerIndex < 0) return; |
const [lng, lat] = this._coordinates[this._activeMarkerIndex]; |
const node = this._coordinatePopupEditor.getElement(); |
if (!node) return; |
node.querySelector('.lng').value = lng.toFixed(7); |
node.querySelector('.lat').value = lat.toFixed(7); |
if (toggleButton) { |
const btn = node.querySelector('.close-shape'); |
btn.style.display = this._activeMarkerIndex === 0 ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; |
} |
} |
_onConfirmCoordinate = () => { |
const node = this._coordinatePopupEditor.getElement(); |
if (!node || this._activeMarkerIndex < 0) return; |
const newLng = node.querySelector('.lng').value - 0; |
const newLat = node.querySelector('.lat').value - 0; |
const marker = this._markers[this._activeMarkerIndex]; |
marker.setLngLat([newLng, newLat]); |
this._updateCoordinates(this._activeMarkerIndex, [newLng, newLat]); |
this._hidePopup(); |
}; |
_onCommitShape = () => { |
if (this._coordinates.length < 3) return; |
if (this._checkKinked()) { |
this._trigger('shape_kinked', { action: 'close' }); |
return; |
} |
this._hidePopup(); |
this.commit(); |
}; |
_hidePopup() { |
this._markers.forEach(marker => marker.setPopup(null)); |
this._activeMarkerIndex = -1; |
} |
// 检测形状是否扭结(判断新坐标加入后,或者对原有坐标进行判断)
_checkKinked(newCoordinate) { |
if (this._coordinates.length < 3) return false; |
if (newCoordinate) { |
const lineFeature = turf.lineString([...this._coordinates, newCoordinate]); |
const kinks = turf.kinks(lineFeature); |
return !!kinks.features.length; |
} |
const kinks = turf.kinks(this._shapeFillFeature); |
return !!kinks.features.length; |
} |
// 生成操作点
_genMarkerNode() { |
const node = document.createElement('div'); |
node.style.cursor = 'pointer'; |
node.style.width = '12px'; |
node.style.height = '12px'; |
node.style.borderRadius = '50%'; |
node.style.background = this._style.markerFillColor; |
node.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; |
node.style.border = `2px solid ${this._style.markerEdgeColor}`; |
node.addEventListener('click', this._onClickMarker, false); |
node.addEventListener('mousemove', this._onMouseMoveMarker); |
node.addEventListener('mouseleave', this._onMouseLeaveMarker); |
return node; |
} |
_onClickMarker = e => { |
e.stopPropagation(); |
const { markerIndex } = e.target.dataset; |
this._markers.forEach(marker => marker.setPopup(null)); |
if (markerIndex >= 0) { |
this._activeMarkerIndex = markerIndex - 0; |
const marker = this._markers[markerIndex]; |
marker.setPopup(this._coordinatePopupEditor); |
if (!marker.getPopup().isOpen()) { |
marker.togglePopup(); |
} |
this._updateCoordinateEditor(true); |
} |
}; |
_onMouseMoveMarker = e => { |
const { markerIndex } = e.target.dataset; |
if (markerIndex === undefined) return; |
const marker = this._markers[markerIndex]; |
if (this._activeMarkerIndex >= 0) return; |
marker.setPopup(!(markerIndex - 0) ? this._completeTooltip : this._markerTooltip); |
marker.togglePopup(); |
}; |
_onMouseLeaveMarker = e => { |
const { markerIndex } = e.target.dataset; |
if (markerIndex === undefined) return; |
const marker = this._markers[markerIndex]; |
const popup = marker.getPopup(); |
if (!popup || popup === this._coordinatePopupEditor) return; |
if (popup.isOpen()) { |
marker.togglePopup(); |
} |
}; |
_onDragMarker = e => { |
const marker = e.target; |
const index = this._markers.indexOf(marker); |
const { lng: newLng, lat: newLat } = marker.getLngLat(); |
this._updateCoordinates(index, [newLng, newLat]); |
if (this._checkKinked()) { |
this._isKinked = true; |
this._trigger('shape_kinked', { action: 'drag' }); |
} else { |
// 从扭结复原了
if (this._isKinked) { |
this._trigger('kink_recovered'); |
} |
this._isKinked = false; |
} |
}; |
_onClickMap = e => { |
const { lng, lat } = e.lngLat; |
// 判断新坐标是否会造成扭结(即:新的边线是否会跟其他边线交叉)
if (this._checkKinked([lng, lat])) { |
this._trigger('shape_kinked', { action: 'click' }); |
return; |
} |
const element = this._genMarkerNode(); |
const marker = new mapbox.Marker({ |
element, |
draggable: true, |
}).setLngLat(e.lngLat).addTo(this._map); |
this._markers.push(marker); |
element.dataset.markerIndex = `${this._markers.length - 1}`; |
this._appendToCoordinates([lng, lat]); |
marker.on('drag', this._onDragMarker); |
}; |
_onHoverMap = () => { |
this._map.getCanvas().style.cursor = this._cursor; |
}; |
_render() { |
if (!this._map) return; |
const { length: count } = this._coordinates; |
if (count < 2) return; |
this._renderEdge(); |
if (count < 3) return; |
this._renderFill(); |
} |
_renderEdge() { |
const source = this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.EDGE); |
if (!source) { |
this._map.addSource(this._sourceId.EDGE, { |
type: 'geojson', |
data: this._shapeEdgeFeature, |
}); |
this._map.addLayer({ |
id: this._layerId.EDGE, |
type: 'line', |
source: this._sourceId.EDGE, |
paint: { |
'line-color': this._style.edgeColor, |
'line-width': 2, |
}, |
}); |
} else { |
source.setData(this._shapeEdgeFeature); |
} |
} |
_renderFill() { |
const source = this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL); |
if (!source) { |
this._map.addSource(this._sourceId.FILL, { |
type: 'geojson', |
data: this._shapeFillFeature, |
}); |
this._map.addLayer({ |
id: this._layerId.FILL, |
type: 'fill', |
source: this._sourceId.FILL, |
paint: { |
'fill-color': this._style.fillColor, |
}, |
}); |
} else { |
source.setData(this._shapeFillFeature); |
} |
} |
_clearMarkers() { |
this._markers.forEach(m => m.remove()); |
this._markers = []; |
} |
clear(end = false) { |
if (!this._map) return; |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL)) { |
this._map.removeLayer(this._layerId.FILL); |
this._map.removeSource(this._sourceId.FILL); |
} |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.EDGE)) { |
this._map.removeLayer(this._layerId.EDGE); |
this._map.removeSource(this._sourceId.EDGE); |
} |
this._clearMarkers(); |
this._coordinates = []; |
if (end) this.end(); |
} |
destroy() { |
this.clear(); |
this.end(); |
this._map = null; |
this.initStyle(); |
} |
} |
export default ShapeCreator; |
@ -0,0 +1,562 @@ |
/** |
* 多边形编辑 |
*/ |
import { action, computed, makeObservable, observable, reaction, values } from 'mobx'; |
import * as turf from '@turf/turf'; |
import mapbox from 'mapbox-gl'; |
import EventDispatcher from './EventDispatcher'; |
class ShapeEditor extends EventDispatcher { |
_topic = null; |
// 地图实例
_map = null; |
_dataSource = {}; |
// 构成形状的点坐标
_coordinates = []; |
// 操作控制点
_markers = []; |
// 形状是否扭结
_isKinked = false; |
// 当前激活的marker索引
_activeMarkerIndex = -1; |
// 操控点提示
_markerTooltip = (new mapbox.Popup({ closeButton: false, offset: 6, className: 'shape-editor-popup' })).setHTML('按住可拖拽控制点<br>点击可微调、删除控制点'); |
// 扩展点提示
_extPointTooltip = (new mapbox.Popup({ closeButton: false, offset: 4, className: 'shape-editor-popup' })).setText('点击可添加控制点'); |
// 坐标编辑器
_coordinatePopupEditor = new mapbox.Popup({ offset: 6, className: 'shape-editor-popup' }); |
// 在地图上点击以外区域时,是否自动提交本次编辑
_autoCommit = false; |
// 视觉选项
_defaultStyle = { |
edgeColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.8)', |
markerFillColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)', |
markerEdgeColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', |
}; |
_style = {}; |
get _sourceId() { |
return { |
FILL: `${this._topic}-shape-editor-fill-source`, |
EDGE: `${this._topic}-shape-editor-edge-source`, |
VERTEX: `${this._topic}-shape-editor-vertex-source`, |
EXT_POINT: `${this._topic}-shape-editor-ext-point-source`, |
}; |
} |
get _layerId() { |
return { |
FILL: `${this._topic}-shape-editor-fill-layer`, |
EDGE: `${this._topic}-shape-editor-edge-layer`, |
VERTEX: `${this._topic}-shape-editor-vertex-layer`, |
EXT_POINT: `${this._topic}-shape-editor-ext-point-layer`, |
}; |
} |
// 形状填充
get _shapeFillFeature() { |
return turf.lineToPolygon(turf.lineString(this._coordinates)); |
} |
// 形状集合包围盒
get _shapeBoundingBox() { |
return turf.bbox(this._shapeFillFeature); |
} |
// 形状边界线
get _shapeEdgeFeature() { |
return turf.polygonToLine(this._shapeFillFeature); |
} |
// 形状顶点
get _shapeVertexFeature() { |
return turf.multiPoint(this._coordinates); |
} |
// 形状扩展点
get _shapeExtPointFeatureCollection() { |
const [first] = this._coordinates; |
if (!first) return turf.featureCollection([]); |
const points = this._coordinates.concat([first]).map(coordinate => turf.point(coordinate)); |
const midPoints = []; |
for (let i = 1; i < points.length; i += 1) { |
const midPoint = turf.midpoint(points[i - 1], points[i]); |
midPoint.id = i; |
midPoints.push(midPoint); |
} |
return turf.featureCollection(midPoints); |
} |
constructor(topic, autoCommit = false, mapInstance = null) { |
super(['shape_kinked', 'kink_recovered', 'completed']); |
this._topic = topic; |
this._autoCommit = autoCommit; |
if (mapInstance) this.setMap(mapInstance); |
this.initStyle(); |
this._initCoordinateEditor(); |
makeObservable(this, { |
_topic: observable, |
_coordinates: observable, |
_sourceId: computed, |
_layerId: computed, |
_shapeFillFeature: computed, |
_shapeEdgeFeature: computed, |
_shapeVertexFeature: computed, |
_shapeExtPointFeatureCollection: computed, |
loadDataSource: action, |
_initCoordinates: action, |
_updateCoordinates: action, |
_insertIntoCoordinates: action, |
_deleteCoordinates: action, |
clear: action, |
}); |
reaction(() => this._coordinates, () => { |
this._render(); |
this._updateCoordinateEditor(); |
}); |
} |
// 初始化视觉演示(需在loadTracks之前配置)
initStyle(style = {}) { |
this._style = { |
...this._defaultStyle, |
...style, |
}; |
} |
setMap(mapInstance) { |
if (this._map === mapInstance) return; |
if (!(mapInstance instanceof mapbox.Map)) { |
throw new Error('必须传入一个mapbox地图实例'); |
} |
this._map = mapInstance; |
} |
loadDataSource({ points, ...others } = {}) { |
if (!this._map) { |
throw new Error('请先设置地图实例'); |
} |
let newPoints = points || []; |
newPoints = Array.isArray(newPoints[0]) ? newPoints : newPoints.map(({ lng, lat }) => [lng, lat]); |
this._dataSource = { points: newPoints, ...others }; |
this._initCoordinates(); |
} |
// 提交编辑
commit() { |
if (!this._coordinates.length) return; |
const result = { |
...this._dataSource, |
points: this._coordinates.map(coordinate => values(coordinate)), |
}; |
this._trigger('completed', result); |
this.clear(); |
} |
// 初始化操控点坐标集
_initCoordinates() { |
const { points } = this._dataSource; |
this._coordinates = points; |
this._showMarkers(); |
} |
// 更新操控点坐标
_updateCoordinates(index, coordinate) { |
const newCoordinates = [...this._coordinates]; |
newCoordinates[index] = coordinate; |
this._coordinates = newCoordinates; |
} |
// 插入新的操控点坐标
_insertIntoCoordinates(index, coordinate) { |
const newCoordinates = [...this._coordinates]; |
newCoordinates.splice(index, 0, coordinate); |
this._coordinates = newCoordinates; |
this._showMarkers(); |
} |
// 删除操控点坐标
_deleteCoordinates(index) { |
const newCoordinates = [...this._coordinates]; |
newCoordinates.splice(index - 0, 1); |
this._coordinates = newCoordinates; |
this._hidePopup(); |
this._showMarkers(); |
} |
_initCoordinateEditor() { |
const node = document.createElement('div'); |
node.className = 'form'; |
node.innerHTML = ` |
<div><label>经度:<input class="lng" type="text" value=""></label></div> |
<div><label>纬度:<input class="lat" type="text" value=""></label></div> |
<div class="buttons"> |
<button class="confirm">确定</button> |
<button class="delete danger-bg-color">删除此点</button> |
</div> |
this._coordinatePopupEditor.setDOMContent(node); |
this._coordinatePopupEditor.on('close', () => { |
this._activeMarkerIndex = -1; |
}); |
node.querySelector('.confirm').addEventListener('click', this._onConfirmCoordinate); |
node.querySelector('.delete').addEventListener('click', this._onDeleteMarker); |
} |
_updateCoordinateEditor(toggleButton = false) { |
if (this._activeMarkerIndex < 0 || !this._coordinates.length) return; |
const [lng, lat] = this._coordinates[this._activeMarkerIndex]; |
const node = this._coordinatePopupEditor.getElement(); |
if (!node) return; |
node.querySelector('.lng').value = lng.toFixed(7); |
node.querySelector('.lat').value = lat.toFixed(7); |
if (toggleButton) { |
const btn = node.querySelector('.delete'); |
btn.style.display = this._coordinates.length > 3 ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; |
} |
} |
_onConfirmCoordinate = () => { |
const node = this._coordinatePopupEditor.getElement(); |
if (!node || this._activeMarkerIndex < 0) return; |
const newLng = node.querySelector('.lng').value - 0; |
const newLat = node.querySelector('.lat').value - 0; |
const marker = this._markers[this._activeMarkerIndex]; |
marker.setLngLat([newLng, newLat]); |
this._updateCoordinates(this._activeMarkerIndex, [newLng, newLat]); |
this._hidePopup(); |
}; |
_onDeleteMarker = () => { |
if (this._coordinates.length <= 3) return; |
if (this._activeMarkerIndex < 0) return; |
this._deleteCoordinates(this._activeMarkerIndex); |
}; |
_hidePopup() { |
this._markers.forEach(marker => marker.setPopup(null)); |
this._activeMarkerIndex = -1; |
} |
_render() { |
if (!this._map) return; |
if (this._coordinates.length < 3) return; |
this._renderFill(); |
this._renderEdge(); |
this._renderVertex(); |
this._renderExtPoint(); |
this._map.off('click', this._onClickMap); |
this._map.on('click', this._onClickMap); |
} |
// 渲染填充层,仅用于鼠标点击
_renderFill() { |
const source = this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL); |
if (!source) { |
this._map.addSource(this._sourceId.FILL, { |
type: 'geojson', |
data: this._shapeFillFeature, |
}); |
this._map.addLayer({ |
id: this._layerId.FILL, |
type: 'fill', |
source: this._sourceId.FILL, |
paint: { |
'fill-color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', |
}, |
}); |
} else { |
source.setData(this._shapeFillFeature); |
} |
} |
_renderEdge() { |
const source = this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.EDGE); |
if (!source) { |
this._map.addSource(this._sourceId.EDGE, { |
type: 'geojson', |
data: this._shapeEdgeFeature, |
}); |
this._map.addLayer({ |
id: this._layerId.EDGE, |
type: 'line', |
source: this._sourceId.EDGE, |
paint: { |
'line-color': this._style.edgeColor, |
'line-width': 2, |
'line-dasharray': [1, 2], |
}, |
layout: { |
'line-cap': 'round', |
}, |
}); |
} else { |
source.setData(this._shapeEdgeFeature); |
} |
} |
// 渲染顶点,仅用于鼠标点击
_renderVertex() { |
const source = this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.VERTEX); |
if (!source) { |
this._map.addSource(this._sourceId.VERTEX, { |
type: 'geojson', |
data: this._shapeVertexFeature, |
}); |
this._map.addLayer({ |
id: this._layerId.VERTEX, |
type: 'circle', |
source: this._sourceId.VERTEX, |
paint: { |
'circle-color': this._style.edgeColor, |
'circle-radius': 4, |
}, |
}); |
} else { |
source.setData(this._shapeVertexFeature); |
} |
} |
// 渲染扩展点
_renderExtPoint() { |
const source = this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.EXT_POINT); |
if (!source) { |
this._map.addSource(this._sourceId.EXT_POINT, { |
type: 'geojson', |
data: this._shapeExtPointFeatureCollection, |
}); |
this._map.addLayer({ |
id: this._layerId.EXT_POINT, |
type: 'circle', |
source: this._sourceId.EXT_POINT, |
paint: { |
'circle-color': this._style.edgeColor, |
'circle-radius': 4, |
}, |
}); |
this._map.on('click', this._layerId.EXT_POINT, this._onClickExtPoint); |
this._map.on('mousemove', this._layerId.EXT_POINT, this._onMouserMoveExtPoint); |
this._map.on('mouseleave', this._layerId.EXT_POINT, this._onMouserLeaveExtPoint); |
} else { |
source.setData(this._shapeExtPointFeatureCollection); |
} |
} |
_onClickMap = e => { |
if (!this._autoCommit) return; |
const features = this._map.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point, { |
layers: [ |
this._layerId.FILL, |
this._layerId.EDGE, |
this._layerId.VERTEX, |
this._layerId.EXT_POINT, |
], |
}); |
// length>=0表示点击了编辑区域,否则点击编辑区域以外(即:结束编辑)
if (features.length) return; |
if (this._checkKinked()) { |
this._trigger('shape_kinked', { action: 'close' }); |
return; |
} |
this.commit(); |
}; |
// 点击扩展点(即:插入新的操控点)
_onClickExtPoint = e => { |
const [feature] = e.features; |
this._insertIntoCoordinates(feature.id, turf.getCoord(feature)); |
}; |
_onMouserMoveExtPoint = e => { |
this._map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; |
const [feature] = e.features; |
this._extPointTooltip.setLngLat(turf.getCoord(feature)).addTo(this._map); |
}; |
_onMouserLeaveExtPoint = () => { |
this._map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; |
this._extPointTooltip.remove(); |
}; |
_onMouseMoveMarker = e => { |
const { markerIndex } = e.target.dataset; |
if (markerIndex === undefined) return; |
const marker = this._markers[markerIndex]; |
if (this._activeMarkerIndex >= 0) return; |
marker.setPopup(this._markerTooltip); |
if (!marker.getPopup().isOpen()) { |
marker.togglePopup(); |
} |
}; |
_onMouseLeaveMarker = e => { |
const { markerIndex } = e.target.dataset; |
if (markerIndex === undefined) return; |
const marker = this._markers[markerIndex]; |
const popup = marker.getPopup(); |
if (!popup || popup === this._coordinatePopupEditor) return; |
if (popup.isOpen()) { |
marker.togglePopup(); |
} |
}; |
_onClickMarker = e => { |
e.stopPropagation(); |
const { markerIndex } = e.target.dataset; |
this._markers.forEach(marker => marker.setPopup(null)); |
if (markerIndex >= 0) { |
this._activeMarkerIndex = markerIndex - 0; |
const marker = this._markers[markerIndex]; |
marker.setPopup(this._coordinatePopupEditor); |
if (!marker.getPopup().isOpen()) { |
marker.togglePopup(); |
} |
this._updateCoordinateEditor(true); |
} |
}; |
_onDragMarker = e => { |
const marker = e.target; |
const index = this._markers.indexOf(marker); |
const { lng: newLng, lat: newLat } = marker.getLngLat(); |
this._updateCoordinates(index, [newLng, newLat]); |
if (this._checkKinked()) { |
this._isKinked = true; |
this._trigger('shape_kinked', { action: 'drag' }); |
} else { |
// 从扭结复原了
if (this._isKinked) { |
this._trigger('kink_recovered'); |
} |
this._isKinked = false; |
} |
}; |
// 检测形状是否扭结(判断新坐标加入后,或者对原有坐标进行判断)
_checkKinked(newCoordinate) { |
if (this._coordinates.length < 3) return false; |
if (newCoordinate) { |
const lineFeature = turf.lineString([...this._coordinates, newCoordinate]); |
const kinks = turf.kinks(lineFeature); |
return !!kinks.features.length; |
} |
const kinks = turf.kinks(this._shapeFillFeature); |
return !!kinks.features.length; |
} |
// 生成操作点
_genMarkerNode() { |
const node = document.createElement('div'); |
node.style.cursor = 'pointer'; |
node.style.width = '12px'; |
node.style.height = '12px'; |
node.style.borderRadius = '50%'; |
node.style.background = this._style.markerFillColor; |
node.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; |
node.style.border = `2px solid ${this._style.markerEdgeColor}`; |
node.addEventListener('mousemove', this._onMouseMoveMarker); |
node.addEventListener('mouseleave', this._onMouseLeaveMarker); |
node.addEventListener('click', this._onClickMarker, false); |
return node; |
} |
// 显示操控点
_showMarkers() { |
this._clearMarkers(); |
this._coordinates.forEach(coordinate => { |
const element = this._genMarkerNode(); |
const marker = new mapbox.Marker({ |
element, |
draggable: true, |
}).setLngLat(coordinate).addTo(this._map); |
this._markers.push(marker); |
element.dataset.markerIndex = `${this._markers.length - 1}`; |
marker.on('drag', this._onDragMarker); |
}); |
} |
// 缩放到包围盒
fitView({ top = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0 } = {}, cut = 120) { |
if (!this._coordinates.length) return; |
this._map.setPadding({ top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }); |
this._map.fitBounds(this._shapeBoundingBox, { |
duration: 2000, |
padding: { |
top: top + cut, |
bottom: bottom + cut, |
left: left + cut, |
right: right + cut, |
}, |
}); |
} |
_clearMarkers() { |
this._markers.forEach(m => m.remove()); |
this._markers = []; |
} |
clear() { |
if (!this._map) return; |
this._map.off('click', this._onClickMap); |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL)) { |
this._map.removeLayer(this._layerId.FILL); |
this._map.removeSource(this._sourceId.FILL); |
} |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.EDGE)) { |
this._map.removeLayer(this._layerId.EDGE); |
this._map.removeSource(this._sourceId.EDGE); |
} |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.VERTEX)) { |
this._map.removeLayer(this._layerId.VERTEX); |
this._map.removeSource(this._sourceId.VERTEX); |
} |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.EXT_POINT)) { |
this._map.off('click', this._layerId.EXT_POINT, this._onClickExtPoint); |
this._map.off('mousemove', this._layerId.EXT_POINT, this._onMouserMoveExtPoint); |
this._map.off('mouseleave', this._layerId.EXT_POINT, this._onMouserLeaveExtPoint); |
this._map.removeLayer(this._layerId.EXT_POINT); |
this._map.removeSource(this._sourceId.EXT_POINT); |
} |
this._clearMarkers(); |
this._coordinates = []; |
this._activeMarkerIndex = -1; |
this._isKinked = false; |
} |
// 销毁
destroy() { |
this.clear(); |
this._map = null; |
this._dataSource = {}; |
this.initStyle(); |
} |
} |
export default ShapeEditor; |
@ -0,0 +1,554 @@ |
/** |
* 任意多边形在地图上显示 |
*/ |
import { action, computed, makeObservable, observable, reaction } from 'mobx'; |
import mapbox from 'mapbox-gl'; |
import * as turf from '@turf/turf'; |
import EventDispatcher from './EventDispatcher'; |
class ShapeRenderer extends EventDispatcher { |
_topic = null; |
// 地图实例
_map = null; |
_dataSource = []; |
// 是否完成初始渲染
isRendered = false; |
// 鼠标经过的形状id
_hoveredShapeId = null; |
// 显示配置项
_defaultOptions = { |
// 显示填充
showFill: true, |
// 显示描边
showStroke: true, |
// 显示标签
showLabel: true, |
// 显示标签(仅鼠标经过时)
showLabelOnOver: false, |
}; |
_options = {}; |
// 视觉选项
_defaultStyle = { |
fillColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.1)', |
fillHoverColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.3)', |
strokeColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)', |
strokeHoverColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 1)', |
labelColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)', |
labelStrokeColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', |
labelMinZoom: 3, |
}; |
_style = {}; |
get _sourceId() { |
return { |
FILL: `${this._topic}-shape-fill-source`, |
STROKE: `${this._topic}-shape-stroke-source`, |
LABEL: `${this._topic}-shape-label-source`, |
}; |
} |
get _layerId() { |
return { |
FILL: `${this._topic}-shape-fill-layer`, |
STROKE: `${this._topic}-shape-stroke-layer`, |
LABEL: `${this._topic}-shape-label-layer`, |
}; |
} |
// 形状填充色表达式
get _shapeFillColorExpression() { |
return [ |
'case', |
[ |
'any', |
['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false], |
['boolean', ['feature-state', 'highlight'], false], |
], |
this._options.showFill ? this._style.fillHoverColor : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', |
this._options.showFill ? this._style.fillColor : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', |
]; |
} |
// 形状描边色表达式
get _shapeStrokeColorExpression() { |
return [ |
'case', |
[ |
'any', |
['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false], |
['boolean', ['feature-state', 'highlight'], false], |
], |
this._options.showStroke ? this._style.strokeHoverColor : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', |
this._options.showStroke ? this._style.strokeColor : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', |
]; |
} |
// 形状标签透明度表达式
get _shapeLabelOpacityExpression() { |
if (this._options.showLabelOnOver) { |
return [ |
'case', |
[ |
'any', |
['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false], |
['boolean', ['feature-state', 'highlight'], false], |
], |
1, |
0, |
]; |
} |
return [ |
'interpolate', ['linear'], |
['zoom'], |
this._style.labelMinZoom - 0.01, 0, |
this._style.labelMinZoom, 1, |
]; |
} |
// 形状填充
get _shapeFillFeatures() { |
return this._dataSource.map(({ id, points, ...others }) => { |
const newPoints = Array.isArray(points[0]) ? points : points.map(({ lng, lat }) => [lng, lat]); |
const lineFeature = turf.lineString(newPoints, { id, ...others }); |
const polygonFeature = turf.lineToPolygon(lineFeature); |
polygonFeature.id = id; |
return polygonFeature; |
}); |
} |
// 形状填充集合
get _shapeFillFeatureCollection() { |
return turf.featureCollection(this._shapeFillFeatures); |
} |
// 形状描边
get _shapeStrokeFeatures() { |
return this._shapeFillFeatures.map(polygonFeature => { |
const lineFeature = turf.polygonToLine(polygonFeature); |
const { id } = lineFeature.properties; |
lineFeature.id = id; |
return lineFeature; |
}); |
} |
// 形状描边集合
get _shapeStrokeFeatureCollection() { |
return turf.featureCollection(this._shapeStrokeFeatures); |
} |
// 形状中心点
get _shapeCenterFeatures() { |
return this._shapeFillFeatures.map(polygonFeature => { |
const feature = turf.centerOfMass(polygonFeature); |
feature.id = polygonFeature.id; |
feature.properties = polygonFeature.properties; |
return feature; |
}); |
} |
// 形状中心点集合
get _shapeCenterFeatureCollection() { |
return turf.featureCollection(this._shapeCenterFeatures); |
} |
// 形状集合包围盒
get _shapeBoundingBox() { |
return turf.bbox(this._shapeFillFeatureCollection); |
} |
constructor(topic, mapInstance = null) { |
super(['rendered', 'mouse_move', 'mouse_leave']); |
this._topic = topic; |
if (mapInstance) this.setMap(mapInstance); |
this.updateOptions(); |
this.updateStyle(); |
makeObservable(this, { |
_topic: observable, |
_dataSource: observable, |
_options: observable, |
_style: observable, |
_sourceId: computed, |
_layerId: computed, |
_shapeFillColorExpression: computed, |
_shapeStrokeColorExpression: computed, |
_shapeLabelOpacityExpression: computed, |
_shapeFillFeatures: computed, |
_shapeFillFeatureCollection: computed, |
_shapeStrokeFeatures: computed, |
_shapeStrokeFeatureCollection: computed, |
_shapeCenterFeatures: computed, |
_shapeCenterFeatureCollection: computed, |
_shapeBoundingBox: computed, |
loadDataSource: action, |
updateOptions: action, |
updateStyle: action, |
destroy: action, |
}); |
reaction(() => this._dataSource, () => { |
this._render(); |
}); |
} |
// 更新配置项
updateOptions(options = {}) { |
if (Object.keys(options).length) { |
this._options = { |
...this._options, |
...options, |
}; |
this._refreshVisibility(); |
} else { |
this._options = { |
...this._defaultOptions, |
}; |
} |
} |
// 更新视觉样式
updateStyle(style = {}) { |
if (Object.keys(style).length) { |
this._style = { |
...this._style, |
...style, |
}; |
this._repaintStyle(); |
} else { |
this._style = { |
...this._defaultStyle, |
}; |
} |
} |
setMap(mapInstance) { |
if (this._map === mapInstance) return; |
if (!(mapInstance instanceof mapbox.Map)) { |
throw new Error('必须传入一个mapbox地图实例'); |
} |
this._map = mapInstance; |
} |
// 载入数据(list->item必须包含id、name、points数组,points->item如果是对象则必须包含lng、lat属性,如果是数组则必须是[lng, lat])
loadDataSource(list) { |
if (!this._map) { |
throw new Error('请先设置地图实例'); |
} |
this._dataSource = (list || []).map(item => { |
const { id, points } = item; |
return (id >= 0 && Array.isArray(points) && points.length >= 3) ? item : null; |
}).filter(Boolean); |
} |
// 是否包含某个多边形
hasShape(shapeId) { |
return this._dataSource.findIndex(({ id }) => shapeId === id) >= 0; |
} |
// 获取某个形状数据
getShape(shapeId) { |
return this._dataSource.find(({ id }) => shapeId === id); |
} |
// 获取所有形状的中心点
getAllCenters() { |
return this._shapeCenterFeatures.map(feature => turf.getCoord(feature)); |
} |
_render() { |
if (!this._map) return; |
if (this._options.showFill) this._renderShapeFill(); |
if (this._options.showStroke) this._renderShapeStroke(); |
if (this._options.showLabel) this._renderShapeLabel(); |
this.isRendered = true; |
this._trigger('rendered'); |
} |
// 渲染形状填充
_renderShapeFill() { |
const source = this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL); |
if (!source) { |
this._map.addSource(this._sourceId.FILL, { |
type: 'geojson', |
data: this._shapeFillFeatureCollection, |
}); |
this._map.addLayer({ |
id: this._layerId.FILL, |
type: 'fill', |
source: this._sourceId.FILL, |
paint: { |
'fill-color': this._shapeFillColorExpression, |
'fill-opacity': [ |
'case', |
['boolean', ['feature-state', 'visible'], true], |
1, |
0, |
], |
}, |
}); |
this._map.on('click', this._layerId.FILL, this._onClick); |
this._map.on('mousemove', this._layerId.FILL, this._onMouseMove); |
this._map.on('mouseleave', this._layerId.FILL, this._onMouseLeave); |
} else { |
source.setData(this._shapeFillFeatureCollection); |
} |
} |
// 渲染形状描边
_renderShapeStroke() { |
const source = this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.STROKE); |
if (!source) { |
this._map.addSource(this._sourceId.STROKE, { |
type: 'geojson', |
data: this._shapeStrokeFeatureCollection, |
}); |
this._map.addLayer({ |
id: this._layerId.STROKE, |
type: 'line', |
source: this._sourceId.STROKE, |
paint: { |
'line-color': this._shapeStrokeColorExpression, |
'line-width': 2, |
'line-opacity': [ |
'case', |
['boolean', ['feature-state', 'visible'], true], |
1, |
0, |
], |
}, |
layout: { |
'line-cap': 'round', |
}, |
}); |
} else { |
source.setData(this._shapeStrokeFeatureCollection); |
} |
} |
_renderShapeLabel() { |
const source = this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.LABEL); |
if (!source) { |
this._map.addSource(this._sourceId.LABEL, { |
type: 'geojson', |
data: this._shapeCenterFeatureCollection, |
}); |
this._map.addLayer({ |
id: this._layerId.LABEL, |
type: 'symbol', |
source: this._sourceId.LABEL, |
layout: { |
'text-field': '{name}', |
'text-size': 12, |
'text-allow-overlap': true, |
}, |
paint: { |
'text-color': this._style.labelColor, |
'text-halo-color': this._style.labelStrokeColor, |
'text-halo-width': 1, |
'text-opacity': this._shapeLabelOpacityExpression, |
}, |
}); |
} else { |
source.setData(this._shapeCenterFeatureCollection); |
} |
} |
_onClick = e => { |
if (!e.features.length) return; |
const { lngLat, point } = e; |
const [{ properties: detail }] = e.features; |
this._trigger('click', { lngLat, point, detail }); |
}; |
_onMouseMove = e => { |
this._map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; |
if (e.features.length > 0) { |
if (this._hoveredShapeId !== null) { |
const id = this._hoveredShapeId; |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.FILL, id }, { hover: false }); |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.STROKE)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.STROKE, id }, { hover: false }); |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.LABEL)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.LABEL, id }, { hover: false }); |
} |
const [{ id }] = e.features; |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.FILL, id }, { hover: true }); |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.STROKE)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.STROKE, id }, { hover: true }); |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.LABEL)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.LABEL, id }, { hover: true }); |
this._hoveredShapeId = id; |
} |
const { lngLat, point } = e; |
const [{ properties: detail }] = e.features; |
this._trigger('mouse_move', { lngLat, point, detail }); |
}; |
_onMouseLeave = e => { |
this._map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; |
if (this._hoveredShapeId !== null) { |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.FILL, id: this._hoveredShapeId }, { hover: false }); |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.STROKE)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.STROKE, id: this._hoveredShapeId }, { hover: false }); |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.LABEL)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.LABEL, id: this._hoveredShapeId }, { hover: false }); |
} |
const { lngLat, point } = e; |
let detail = {}; |
if (this._hoveredShapeId !== null) { |
const { id, points, ...others } = this._dataSource.find(item => item.id === this._hoveredShapeId) || {}; |
detail = { id, ...others }; |
} |
this._trigger('mouse_leave', { lngLat, point, detail }); |
this._hoveredShapeId = null; |
}; |
// 隐藏某个形状
hideShape(shapeId) { |
if (!this._map || !this.hasShape(shapeId)) return; |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.FILL, id: shapeId }, { visible: false }); |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.STROKE)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.STROKE, id: shapeId }, { visible: false }); |
} |
// 显示某个形状
showShape(shapeId) { |
if (!this._map || !this.hasShape(shapeId)) return; |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.FILL, id: shapeId }, { visible: true }); |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.STROKE)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.STROKE, id: shapeId }, { visible: true }); |
} |
// 高亮某个形状(或取消高亮)
highlightShape(shapeId, stateValue = true) { |
if (!this._map || !this.hasShape(shapeId)) return; |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.FILL, id: shapeId }, { highlight: stateValue }); |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.STROKE)) this._map.setFeatureState({ source: this._sourceId.STROKE, id: shapeId }, { highlight: stateValue }); |
} |
// 高亮一组形状(或取消高亮)
highlightShapes(keyName, keyValue, stateValue = true) { |
if (!this._map) return; |
turf.featureEach(this._shapeFillFeatureCollection, currentFeature => { |
const { id } = currentFeature; |
if (currentFeature.properties[keyName] === keyValue) this.highlightShape(id, stateValue); |
}); |
} |
// 刷新可见性
_refreshVisibility() { |
if (!this._map) return; |
if (this._map.getLayer(this._layerId.FILL)) { |
this._renderShapeFill(); |
this._map.setLayoutProperty(this._layerId.FILL, 'visibility', this._options.showFill ? 'visible' : 'none'); |
} |
if (this._map.getLayer(this._layerId.STROKE)) { |
this._renderShapeStroke(); |
this._map.setLayoutProperty(this._layerId.STROKE, 'visibility', this._options.showStroke ? 'visible' : 'none'); |
} |
if (this._map.getLayer(this._layerId.LABEL)) { |
this._renderShapeLabel(); |
this._map.setLayoutProperty(this._layerId.LABEL, 'visibility', this._options.showLabel ? 'visible' : 'none'); |
} |
} |
// 重绘样式
_repaintStyle() { |
if (!this._map) return; |
if (this._map.getLayer(this._layerId.FILL)) { |
this._map.setPaintProperty(this._layerId.FILL, 'fill-color', this._shapeFillColorExpression); |
} |
if (this._map.getLayer(this._layerId.STROKE)) { |
this._map.setPaintProperty(this._layerId.STROKE, 'line-color', this._shapeStrokeColorExpression); |
} |
if (this._map.getLayer(this._layerId.LABEL)) { |
this._map.setPaintProperty(this._layerId.LABEL, 'text-color', this._style.labelColor); |
this._map.setPaintProperty(this._layerId.LABEL, 'text-halo-color', this._style.labelStrokeColor); |
this._map.setPaintProperty(this._layerId.LABEL, 'text-opacity', this._shapeLabelOpacityExpression); |
} |
} |
// 缩放到某个形状的包围盒
fitShape(shapeId, { top = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0 } = {}, cut = 120) { |
if (!this._map || !this.hasShape(shapeId)) return; |
const { points } = this._dataSource.find(({ id }) => id === shapeId) || {}; |
if (!points) return; |
const newPoints = Array.isArray(points[0]) ? points : points.map(({ lng, lat }) => [lng, lat]); |
const pointFeature = turf.multiPoint(newPoints); |
this._map.setPadding({ top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }); |
this._map.fitBounds(turf.bbox(pointFeature), { |
duration: 2000, |
padding: { |
top: top + cut, |
bottom: bottom + cut, |
left: left + cut, |
right: right + cut, |
}, |
}); |
} |
// 缩放到所有形状的包围盒
fitView({ top = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0 } = {}, cut = 120) { |
if (!this._dataSource.length) return; |
this._map.setPadding({ top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }); |
this._map.fitBounds(this._shapeBoundingBox, { |
duration: 2000, |
padding: { |
top: top + cut, |
bottom: bottom + cut, |
left: left + cut, |
right: right + cut, |
}, |
}); |
} |
// 对其到所有形状的中心
alignCenter(centerOffset = 0) { |
if (!this._dataSource.length) return; |
const feature = turf.bboxPolygon(this._shapeBoundingBox); |
const center = turf.center(feature); |
this._map.panTo(turf.getCoord(center), { |
offset: [centerOffset, 0], |
}); |
} |
clear() { |
if (!this._map) return; |
this.isRendered = false; |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.FILL)) { |
this._map.off('click', this._layerId.FILL, this._onClick); |
this._map.off('mousemove', this._layerId.FILL, this._onMouseMove); |
this._map.off('mouseleave', this._layerId.FILL, this._onMouseLeave); |
this._map.removeLayer(this._layerId.FILL); |
this._map.removeSource(this._sourceId.FILL); |
} |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.STROKE)) { |
this._map.removeLayer(this._layerId.STROKE); |
this._map.removeSource(this._sourceId.STROKE); |
} |
if (this._map.getSource(this._sourceId.LABEL)) { |
this._map.removeLayer(this._layerId.LABEL); |
this._map.removeSource(this._sourceId.LABEL); |
} |
} |
destroy() { |
this.clear(); |
this._map = null; |
this._dataSource = []; |
this.updateStyle(); |
this.updateOptions(); |
} |
} |
export default ShapeRenderer; |
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ |
/** |
* 地图助手 |
*/ |
import mapbox from 'mapbox-gl'; |
import * as turf from '@turf/turf'; |
class MapHelper { |
_map = null; |
setMap(mapInstance) { |
if (this._map === mapInstance) return; |
if (!(mapInstance instanceof mapbox.Map)) { |
throw new Error('必须传入一个mapbox地图实例'); |
} |
this._map = mapInstance; |
window.map = mapInstance; |
} |
// 改变高清图层状态
changeHdLayer(toStatus, map = this._map) { |
if (!map.getSource('hd-tiles')) { |
map.addSource('hd-tiles', { |
type: 'raster', |
tiles: ['http://jiagu-map.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/tile/{z}/{x}/{y}.webp'], |
tileSize: 256, |
minzoom: 12, |
maxzoom: 24, |
}); |
map.addLayer({ |
id: 'hd-tiles-layer', |
type: 'raster', |
source: 'hd-tiles', |
layout: { |
visibility: 'none', |
}, |
}, 'keyLayer'); |
} |
map.setLayoutProperty('hd-tiles-layer', 'visibility', toStatus ? 'visible' : 'none'); |
} |
// 获取一些点的包围盒(像素值)
getBoundingBoxProject = (points = []) => { |
if (!this._map) return null; |
const pointsFeature = turf.multiPoint(points); |
const [westLng, southLat, eastLng, northLat] = turf.bbox(pointsFeature); |
// project返回的是dom坐标系┏
const { x: x1, y: y1 } = this._map.project([westLng, southLat]); |
const { x: x2, y: y2 } = this._map.project([eastLng, northLat]); |
// 将dom坐标转换为webgl坐标┗
const { height } = this._map.getCanvas().getBoundingClientRect(); |
return [x1, height - y1, x2, height - y2]; |
}; |
// 获取包围盒区域图像数据
getImageData(bbox, padding = 0, size = 0) { |
const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = bbox; |
const glWidth = Math.abs(x2 - x1).toFixed(0) - 0 + padding * 2; |
const glHeight = Math.abs(y2 - y1).toFixed(0) - 0 + padding * 2; |
const diff = glWidth - glHeight; // 宽高差
const offset = Math.ceil(Math.abs(diff / 2)); // 起点偏移量
const originSize = diff >= 0 ? glWidth : glHeight; |
const x = diff >= 0 ? (x1.toFixed(0) - padding) : (x1.toFixed(0) - offset - padding); |
const y = diff < 0 ? (y1.toFixed(0) - padding) : (y1.toFixed(0) - offset - padding); |
const gl = this._map.getCanvas().getContext('webgl'); |
const pixels = new Uint8Array(originSize * originSize * 4); |
gl.readPixels(x, y, originSize, originSize, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels); |
const imageData = new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(pixels), originSize, originSize); |
const tempCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); |
tempCanvas.width = originSize; |
tempCanvas.height = originSize; |
const tempCtx = tempCanvas.getContext('2d'); |
tempCtx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); |
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); |
canvas.width = size || originSize; |
canvas.height = size || originSize; |
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); |
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, canvas.height); |
ctx.drawImage(tempCanvas, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); |
return new Promise((resolve) => { |
canvas.toBlob((blob) => resolve(blob), 'image/png'); |
}); |
} |
} |
export default new MapHelper(); |
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ |
<script setup> |
import { onMounted, ref, watchEffect } from 'vue'; |
import commonRefs from '@/utils/commonRefs'; |
import { useGlobalSettings } from '@/views/common/useGlobalSettings'; |
// import { useGlobalFarm } from '@/views/common/useGlobalFarm'; |
// import { useGlobalFields } from '@/views/common/useGlobalFields'; |
import eventBus from '@/utils/eventBus'; |
const isReady = ref(false); |
const showMapHd = ref(true); |
const showFieldFill = ref(true); |
const showFieldName = ref(true); |
watchEffect(() => { |
const settings = useGlobalSettings().valueOf(); |
showMapHd.value = settings.showMapHd; |
showFieldFill.value = settings.showFieldFill; |
showFieldName.value = settings.showFieldName; |
}); |
function init() { |
eventBus.emit('show-map-hd-layer', showMapHd.value); |
} |
function onToggleMapHd() { |
const result = !showMapHd.value; |
eventBus.emit('show-map-hd-layer', result); |
useGlobalSettings().set('showMapHd', result); |
} |
function onToggleFill(val) { |
// useGlobalFields().toggleFill(val); |
useGlobalSettings().set('showFieldFill', val); |
} |
function onToggleName(val) { |
// useGlobalFields().toggleName(val); |
useGlobalSettings().set('showFieldName', val); |
} |
onMounted(async () => { |
await commonRefs.getRef('map'); |
isReady.value = true; |
init(); |
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<span>高清图层</span> |
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<t-switch :label="['显示', '隐藏']" :value="showFieldFill" @change="onToggleFill" /> |
<span>地块形状</span> |
</t-space> |
<t-space size="small" align="center"> |
<t-switch :label="['显示', '隐藏']" :value="showFieldName" @change="onToggleName" /> |
<span>地块名称</span> |
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
<script setup> |
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; |
import { DialogPlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; |
const router = useRouter(); |
function LogOut() { |
const dialog = DialogPlugin({ |
header: '操作确认', |
body: '确认退出吗?', |
onConfirm: () => { |
localStorage.clear(); |
router.push({ |
name: 'LoginView', |
}); |
dialog.hide(); |
}, |
}); |
} |
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<div class="title">云端无人机管理系统(管理员)</div> |
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退出登录 |
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ |
<script setup> |
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from 'vue'; |
import commonRefs from '@/utils/commonRefs'; |
const level = ref(0); |
async function updateLevel() { |
const map = await commonRefs.getRef('map'); |
level.value = map.level; |
} |
onMounted(async () => { |
const map = await commonRefs.getRef('map'); |
level.value = map.level; |
map.on('postUpdate', updateLevel); |
}); |
onUnmounted(async () => { |
const map = await commonRefs.getRef('map'); |
map.off('postUpdate', updateLevel); |
}); |
async function onZoomIn() { |
const map = await commonRefs.getRef('map'); |
map.zoomIn(); |
} |
async function onZoomOut() { |
const map = await commonRefs.getRef('map'); |
map.zoomOut(); |
} |
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<div :class="s.root" v-if="level"> |
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<div class="cell text">{{ level }}</div> |
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<div class="cell" @click="onZoomOut"> |
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} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
/** |
* authStore |
*/ |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; |
import http from '@/utils/http'; |
import * as helpers from '@/utils/helpers'; |
import * as urls from '@/config/urls'; |
import auth from '@/utils/auth'; |
import UserInfo from '@/utils/UserInfo'; |
export const useAuthStore = defineStore('auth', () => { |
// state
const userInfo = ref(UserInfo.get()); |
// const isPlatform = computed(() => {
// const { roles } = userInfo;
// return (roles || []).includes('platform');
// });
// const isFarmer = computed(() => {
// const { roles } = userInfo;
// return (roles || []).includes('farmer');
// });
// action
function loginWithPassword(formData = {}) { |
const requestDate = helpers.pick(formData, [ |
'phone', |
'password', |
]); |
return http.getInstance(false).post(urls.LOGIN_WITH_PASSWORD, requestDate).then(({ data }) => { |
// 获取信息
const { data: { accessToken } = {}, extra = {} } = data || {}; |
// 更新信息
const newUserInfo = { |
...userInfo.value, |
...extra, |
}; |
userInfo.value = { ...newUserInfo }; |
// 保存信息
UserInfo.save(newUserInfo); |
if (accessToken) { |
auth.saveToken(accessToken); |
} |
return data; |
}); |
} |
return { |
userInfo, |
// isPlatform,
// isFarmer,
loginWithPassword, |
}; |
}); |
export default {}; |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
/** |
* 制造商 |
*/ |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; |
import http from '@/utils/http'; |
import * as urls from '@/config/urls'; |
import * as helpers from '@/utils/helpers'; |
export const useManufacturerStore = defineStore('manufacturer', () => { |
const manufacturerList = ref([]); |
const manufacturerExtra = ref({ total: null }); |
const manufacturerQueries = ref({ page: 1, pageSize: 10, all: undefined, search: undefined }); |
function getManufacturerList(otherQueries = {}) { |
return http.getInstance().get(urls.GET_MANUFACTURER_LIST, { |
params: { ...manufacturerQueries.value, ...otherQueries }, |
}).then(({ data }) => { |
const { data: list, extra } = data; |
manufacturerList.value = list || []; |
manufacturerExtra.value = { ...manufacturerExtra.value, ...(extra || {}) }; |
manufacturerQueries.value = { ...manufacturerQueries.value, ...otherQueries }; |
return data; |
}); |
} |
function createManufacturer(formData = {}, { refreshList = false } = {}) { |
const reqData = helpers.pick(formData, [ |
'manufacturerName', |
'manufacturerLogo', |
'contactPhone', |
'contactName', |
// 'province',
// 'city',
// 'county',
// 'enterprise_name',
'legal', |
'creditCode', |
'detailAddress', |
'email', |
'businessLicense', |
'companyLogo', |
// 'idcardNum',
// 'idcardFrontPic',
// 'idcardReversePic',
// 'ruleProvince',
// 'ruleCity',
// 'ruleCounty',
]); |
return http.getInstance().post(urls.CREATE_MANUFACTURER, reqData).then(({ data }) => { |
if (refreshList) getManufacturerList(); |
return data; |
}); |
} |
function updateManufacturer(formData = {}, { refreshList = false } = {}) { |
const reqData = helpers.pick(formData, [ |
'id', |
'manufacturerName', |
'manufacturerLogo', |
'contactPhone', |
'contactName', |
// 'province',
// 'city',
// 'county',
// 'enterprise_name',
'legal', |
'creditCode', |
'detailAddress', |
'email', |
'businessLicense', |
'companyLogo', |
// 'idcardNum',
// 'idcardFrontPic',
// 'idcardReversePic',
// 'ruleProvince',
// 'ruleCity',
// 'ruleCounty',
]); |
const url = helpers.buildURL(urls.UPDATE_MANUFACTURER, reqData.id); |
return http.getInstance().put(url, reqData).then(({ data }) => { |
if (refreshList) getManufacturerList(); |
return data; |
}); |
} |
function deleteManufacturer(manufacturerId = '', { refreshList = false } = {}) { |
const url = helpers.buildURL(urls.DELETE_MANUFACTURER, manufacturerId); |
return http.getInstance().delete(url).then(({ data }) => { |
if (refreshList) getManufacturerList(); |
return data; |
}); |
} |
function updateManufacturerDisable(formData = {}, { refreshList = false } = {}) { |
const reqData = helpers.pick(formData, [ |
'id', |
]); |
const url = helpers.buildURL(urls.UPDATE_MANUFACTURER_DISABLE, reqData.id); |
return http.getInstance().put(url).then(({ data }) => { |
if (refreshList) getManufacturerList(); |
return data; |
}); |
} |
return { |
manufacturerList, |
manufacturerQueries, |
manufacturerExtra, |
getManufacturerList, |
createManufacturer, |
updateManufacturer, |
deleteManufacturer, |
updateManufacturerDisable, |
}; |
}); |
export default null; |
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ |
/** |
* 禁飞区 |
*/ |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; |
import http from '@/utils/http'; |
import * as urls from '@/config/urls'; |
import * as helpers from '@/utils/helpers'; |
export const useNoFlyZoneStore = defineStore('noFlyZone', () => { |
const noFlyZoneList = ref([]); |
const noFlyZoneExtra = ref({ total: null }); |
const noFlyZoneQueries = ref({ page: 1, pageSize: 10, all: undefined, type: undefined, search: undefined }); |
const noFlyZoneDetail = ref({}); |
function getNoFlyZoneList(otherQueries = {}) { |
return http.getInstance().get(urls.GET_NO_FLY_ZONE_LIST, { |
params: { ...noFlyZoneQueries.value, ...otherQueries }, |
}).then(({ data }) => { |
const { data: list, extra } = data; |
noFlyZoneList.value = list || []; |
noFlyZoneExtra.value = { ...noFlyZoneExtra.value, ...(extra || {}) }; |
noFlyZoneQueries.value = { ...noFlyZoneQueries.value, ...otherQueries }; |
return data; |
}); |
} |
function getNoFlyZoneDetail(noFlyZoneId = '') { |
const url = helpers.buildURL(urls.GET_NO_FLY_ZONE_DETAIL, noFlyZoneId); |
return http.getInstance().get(url).then(({ data }) => { |
const { data: detail } = data || {}; |
noFlyZoneDetail.value = detail; |
return data; |
}); |
} |
function createNoFlyZone(formData = {}, { refreshList = false } = {}) { |
const reqData = helpers.pick(formData, [ |
'detailAddress', |
'effectTimeStart', |
'effectTimeEnd', |
'province', |
// 'city',
// 'county',
'orbit', |
]); |
return http.getInstance().post(urls.CREATE_NO_FLY_ZONE, reqData).then(({ data }) => { |
if (refreshList) getNoFlyZoneList(); |
return data; |
}); |
} |
function updateNoFlyZone(formData = {}, { refreshList = false } = {}) { |
const reqData = helpers.pick(formData, [ |
'id', |
'detailAddress', |
'effectTimeStart', |
'effectTimeEnd', |
'province', |
// 'city',
// 'county',
'orbit', |
'isEnable', |
]); |
const url = helpers.buildURL(urls.UPDATE_NO_FLY_ZONE, reqData.id); |
return http.getInstance().put(url, reqData).then(({ data }) => { |
if (refreshList) getNoFlyZoneList(); |
return data; |
}); |
} |
function deleteNoFlyZone(noFlyZoneId = '', { refreshList = false } = {}) { |
const url = helpers.buildURL(urls.DELETE_NO_FLY_ZONE, noFlyZoneId); |
return http.getInstance().delete(url).then(({ data }) => { |
if (refreshList) getNoFlyZoneList(); |
return data; |
}); |
} |
function updateNoFlyZoneState(formData = {}, { refreshList = false } = {}) { |
const reqData = helpers.pick(formData, [ |
'id', |
]); |
const url = helpers.buildURL(urls.UPDATE_NO_FLY_ZONE_DISABLE, reqData.id); |
return http.getInstance().put(url).then(({ data }) => { |
if (refreshList) getNoFlyZoneList(); |
return data; |
}); |
} |
return { |
noFlyZoneList, |
noFlyZoneQueries, |
noFlyZoneExtra, |
noFlyZoneDetail, |
getNoFlyZoneList, |
createNoFlyZone, |
updateNoFlyZone, |
deleteNoFlyZone, |
updateNoFlyZoneState, |
getNoFlyZoneDetail, |
}; |
}); |
export default null; |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
/** |
* 监管者 |
*/ |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; |
import http from '@/utils/http'; |
import * as urls from '@/config/urls'; |
import * as helpers from '@/utils/helpers'; |
export const useRegulatorStore = defineStore('regulator', () => { |
const regulatorList = ref([]); |
const regulatorExtra = ref({ total: null }); |
const regulatorQueries = ref({ page: 1, pageSize: 10, all: undefined, search: undefined }); |
function getRegulatorList(otherQueries = {}) { |
return http.getInstance().get(urls.GET_REGULATOR_LIST, { |
params: { ...regulatorQueries.value, ...otherQueries }, |
}).then(({ data }) => { |
const { data: list, extra } = data; |
regulatorList.value = list || []; |
regulatorExtra.value = { ...regulatorExtra.value, ...(extra || {}) }; |
regulatorQueries.value = { ...regulatorQueries.value, ...otherQueries }; |
return data; |
}); |
} |
function createRegulator(formData = {}, { refreshList = false } = {}) { |
const reqData = helpers.pick(formData, [ |
'phone', |
'password', |
]); |
return http.getInstance().post(urls.CREATE_REGULATOR, reqData).then(({ data }) => { |
if (refreshList) getRegulatorList(); |
return data; |
}); |
} |
return { |
regulatorList, |
regulatorQueries, |
regulatorExtra, |
getRegulatorList, |
createRegulator, |
// updateRegulator,
// deleteRegulator,
// updateRegulatorDisable,
}; |
}); |
export default null; |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
/** |
* 用户信息 |
*/ |
class UserInfo { |
static save(userInfo) { |
localStorage.setItem('userInfo', JSON.stringify(userInfo)); |
} |
static get() { |
const userInfo = localStorage.getItem('userInfo'); |
if (!userInfo) { |
return {}; |
} |
try { |
const result = JSON.parse(userInfo); |
return typeof result === 'object' ? result : {}; |
} catch (e) { |
} |
return {}; |
} |
static remove() { |
localStorage.removeItem('userInfo'); |
} |
} |
export default UserInfo; |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
/* |
* 公共引用 |
* 异步获取引用对象 |
*/ |
const refs = Symbol('refs'); |
const pendingList = Symbol('pendingList'); |
class CommonRefs { |
[refs] = {}; |
[pendingList] = {}; |
setRef(key, ref) { |
if (key in this[refs]) return; |
this[refs][key] = ref; |
const { [key]: resolves } = this[pendingList]; |
(resolves || []).forEach((resolve, index) => { |
if (!resolve) return; |
resolve(ref); |
resolves[index] = undefined; // 只作废,不删除
}); |
} |
getRef(key) { |
return new Promise((resolve) => { |
const { [key]: ref } = this[refs]; |
if (ref) { |
resolve(ref); |
} else if (key in this[pendingList]) { |
this[pendingList][key].push(resolve); |
} else { |
this[pendingList][key] = [resolve]; |
} |
}); |
} |
removeRef(key) { |
if (key in this[refs]) { |
delete this[refs][key]; |
} |
} |
} |
export default new CommonRefs(); |
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ |
/** |
* 辅助函数 |
*/ |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import * as turf from '@turf/turf'; |
/** |
* 等待异步结果 |
* @param checker 检测函数,返回值为truthy时表示得到想要的结果,否则反之 |
* @param timeout 指定时间内没有得到想要的结果则超时 |
*/ |
export function until(checker = () => true, timeout = 2000) { |
return new Promise((resolve) => { |
let pollingTimer = null; |
const timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => { |
clearInterval(pollingTimer); |
resolve(false); |
}, timeout); |
pollingTimer = setInterval(() => { |
const result = checker(); |
if (result) { |
clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); |
clearInterval(pollingTimer); |
resolve(result); |
} |
}, 10); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 根据restful的uri构建实际url |
* @param uri uri模版 |
* @param argv 插入到uri中的参数列表,按顺序插入 |
* @returns url |
*/ |
export function buildURL(uri, ...argv) { |
return uri.replace(/{\w+}|:[a-zA-Z]+/g, () => { |
const res = argv.shift(); |
if (res === undefined) { |
throw new Error('URI 参数不足'); |
} |
return res; |
}); |
} |
/** |
* 选取原object指定属性,构成新的object |
* @param originObject |
* @param pickKeys |
*/ |
export function pick(originObject, pickKeys = []) { |
const newObject = {}; |
pickKeys.forEach((key) => { |
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(originObject, key)) { |
newObject[key] = originObject[key]; |
} |
}); |
return newObject; |
} |
/** |
* 更新target对象的键值,使用source对象里的数据 |
* @param target |
* @param source |
*/ |
export function update(target, source) { |
const result = { ...target }; |
Object.keys(target).forEach((key) => { |
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { |
result[key] = source[key]; |
} |
}); |
return result; |
} |
/** |
* 将对象的部分key重命名 |
* @param originObject 原始对象(也可以是相同结构的对象构成的数组) |
* @param keysMapping 新keys映射(如{ name: 'username', sex: 'gender' },表示把原始对象中的name重命名为username、把sex重命名为gender,原始对象其他key不变) |
* @returns {{}|*} 新对象 |
*/ |
export function renameKeys(originObject, keysMapping = {}) { |
if (!Array.isArray(originObject)) { |
const kvList = Object.keys(originObject).map((key) => { |
const newKey = keysMapping[key] || key; |
return { [newKey]: originObject[key] }; |
}); |
return Object.assign({}, ...kvList); |
} |
return originObject.map((obj) => renameKeys(obj, keysMapping)); |
} |
/** |
* 随机数 |
*/ |
export function rand(min, max, fraction = 0) { |
const res = (Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min; |
return res.toFixed(fraction) - 0; |
} |
/** |
* 将input当着数字处理,若不是数字则返回代替字符 |
* @param input |
* @param substitution |
* @returns {string|number} |
*/ |
export function numeric(input, substitution = '-') { |
const type = typeof input; |
if (type !== 'number' && type !== 'string') return substitution; |
const output = Number(input); |
return !Number.isNaN(output) ? output : substitution; |
} |
// 保留小数位(是整数则不保留)
export const toFixed = (num, digits = 2) => (Number(num || 0).toFixed(digits)) - 0; |
/** |
* 格式化时间戳 |
* @param timestamp |
* @param format |
* @returns {string} |
*/ |
export function formatTime(timestamp, format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') { |
return (timestamp || timestamp === 0) && moment(timestamp).isValid() ? moment(timestamp).format(format) : '-'; |
} |
/** |
* 将总秒数格式化为“x时y分z秒”形式 |
* @param sec |
* @param precision |
* @param isChinese |
* @returns {string} |
*/ |
export function popularTime(sec, precision = 0, isChinese = false) { |
const { HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND } = isChinese ? { HOUR: '时', MINUTE: '分', SECOND: '秒' } : { HOUR: 'h', MINUTE: 'm', SECOND: 's' }; |
let remainingSec = sec; |
const hours = Math.floor(remainingSec / 3600); |
remainingSec -= hours * 3600; |
const minutes = Math.floor(remainingSec / 60); |
remainingSec -= minutes * 60; |
return `${hours ? `${hours}${HOUR}` : ''}${minutes ? `${minutes}${MINUTE}` : ''}${remainingSec ? `${remainingSec.toFixed(precision)}${SECOND}` : ''}`; |
} |
/** |
* 将秒转化为小时 |
* @param sec |
* @returns {number} |
*/ |
export function toHour(sec) { |
return (sec / 3600).toFixed(2) - 0; |
} |
/** |
* 对数组中的每个元素进行偏移计算,返回计算后的数组 |
* @param originArray 原数组(有数字构成) |
* @param offsetArray 偏移量数组(与原数组元素一一对应) |
* @returns {*[]} 计算后的新数组 |
*/ |
export function arrOffset(originArray = [], offsetArray = []) { |
return originArray.map((item, index) => +item + (offsetArray[index] || 0)); |
} |
/** |
* 计算经纬度构成的区域面积 |
* @param coordinates 经纬度点列表 |
* @param unit 单位(默认:亩) |
* @returns {number} 面积值(平方米) |
*/ |
export function computeArea(coordinates, unit = 'mu') { |
const lineFeature = turf.lineString(coordinates); |
const polygonFeature = turf.lineToPolygon(lineFeature); |
const { [unit]: rate } = { mu: 0.0015 }; |
return turf.area(polygonFeature) * rate; |
} |
@ -1,13 +1,136 @@ |
<script setup> |
<script setup> |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; |
import { useAuthStore } from '@/stores'; |
import { MessagePlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; |
const router = useRouter(); // 类似 this.$router |
const { loginWithPassword } = useAuthStore(); |
const { APP_TITLE } = import.meta.env; // 获取环境变量 标题 |
const title = ref(APP_TITLE); // 标题 |
const formRules = { // form规则 |
phone: [{ required: true, message: '请输入账户' }], |
password: [{ required: true, message: '请输入密码' }], |
}; |
const form = ref(); // 类似 this.$ref |
const formData = ref({ // 表单数据 |
phone: '18188888888', |
password: 'asdf1234', |
}); |
const onSubmit = ({ validateResult }) => { // 提交函数 |
if (validateResult !== true) return; // 表单校验 |
// 发送请求 |
loginWithPassword(formData.value).then(() => { |
router.replace('/'); |
MessagePlugin.success('登录成功'); |
}).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
}; |
</script> |
</script> |
<template> |
<template> |
<div :class="s.root">LoginView</div> |
<div :class="s.root"> |
<!-- 登录卡片 --> |
<div class="login-card"> |
<!-- 标题 --> |
<span class="title">{{ title }}</span> |
<!-- 表单 --> |
<t-form ref="form" :data="formData" :rules="formRules" :label-width="0" @submit="onSubmit"> |
<t-form-item name="phone"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.phone" clearable placeholder="请输入账户名" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item name="password"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.password" type="password" clearable placeholder="请输入密码" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item> |
<t-button theme="primary" type="submit" block> |
登录 |
</t-button> |
</t-form-item> |
</t-form> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
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.root { |
.root { |
height: inherit; |
background: url("../../assets/login_bg.png") no-repeat scroll center bottom transparent; |
background-size: cover; |
// |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
justify-content: center; |
align-items: center; |
:global { |
:global { |
.login-card { |
position: relative; |
width: 70vh; |
min-width: 380px; |
padding: 8vh 10vh; |
border-radius: var(--td-radius-extraLarge); |
background-color: fade(black, 40%); |
backdrop-filter: blur(5px); |
box-sizing: border-box; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: center; |
align-items: center; |
.title { |
position: absolute; |
top: 0; |
transform: translateY(calc(-150% - var(--td-comp-margin-m))); |
color: white; |
//font-size: var(--td-font-size-display-large); |
font-size: 8vh; |
white-space: nowrap; |
letter-spacing: 1vw; |
text-shadow: 0 0 8px black; |
} |
.t-form { |
min-width: 280px; |
width: 20vw; |
.t-input { |
color: white; |
background-color: transparent; |
&:focus { |
box-shadow: unset; |
} |
.t-input__inner { |
color: white; |
&::placeholder { |
color: fade(white, 70%); |
} |
} |
.t-input__suffix > .t-icon { |
color: fade(white, 40%); |
&:hover { |
color: fade(white, 90%); |
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} |
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.t-input--focused { |
box-shadow: unset; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ |
<script setup> |
import BasePanel from '@/components/BasePanel.vue'; |
import { computed, ref } from 'vue'; |
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'; |
import { useManufacturerStore } from '@/stores'; |
import { MessagePlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; |
import ManufacturerEditor from '@/views/ManufacturerView/components/ManufacturerEditor.vue'; |
import ManufacturerDetail from '@/views/ManufacturerView/components/ManufacturerDetail.vue'; |
import eventBus from '@/utils/eventBus'; |
const manufacturerStore = useManufacturerStore(); |
const { manufacturerList, manufacturerQueries, manufacturerExtra } = storeToRefs(manufacturerStore); |
const { getManufacturerList, updateManufacturerDisable, deleteManufacturer } = manufacturerStore; |
function loadList(queries = {}) { |
getManufacturerList(queries).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
} |
loadList(); |
function onPageChange({ current, pageSize }) { |
loadList({ page: current, pageSize }); |
} |
const search = ref(); |
function onSearchList() { |
loadList({ search: search.value }); |
} |
const columns = [ |
{ colKey: 'manufacturerName', title: '企业/组织名称', ellipsis: true }, |
{ colKey: 'contactName', title: '联系人名称', ellipsis: true }, |
{ colKey: 'contactPhone', title: '联系人电话(账号)', ellipsis: true }, |
{ colKey: 'disabled', title: '状态', ellipsis: true }, |
{ colKey: 'operation', title: '操作', width: '350px' }, |
]; |
function onShowEditor(row = {}) { |
eventBus.emit('show-manufacturer-editor', row); |
} |
function onShowDetail(row = {}) { |
eventBus.emit('show-manufacturer-detail', row); |
} |
const pagination = computed(() => ({ |
current: manufacturerQueries.value.page, |
pageSize: manufacturerQueries.value.pageSize, |
total: manufacturerExtra.value.total, |
})); |
function onChangeState(row = {}) { |
updateManufacturerDisable(row, { refreshList: true }).then(() => { |
MessagePlugin.success('更改成功'); |
}).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
} |
function onDeleteManufacturer(row = {}) { |
deleteManufacturer(row.id, { refreshList: true }).then(() => { |
MessagePlugin.success('成功删除'); |
}).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
} |
</script> |
<template> |
<BasePanel> |
<template #header>制造商管理</template> |
<template #header-extra> |
<t-space> |
<t-button @click="onShowEditor">新增制造商</t-button> |
</t-space> |
</template> |
<template #top-bar> |
<t-space align="center"> |
<div>关键字查询</div> |
<t-input v-model="search" clearable /> |
<t-button @click="onSearchList">查询</t-button> |
</t-space> |
</template> |
<t-table |
row-key="id" |
:data="manufacturerList" |
:columns="columns" |
cell-empty-content="-" |
:pagination="pagination" |
@page-change="onPageChange" |
> |
<template #disabled="{ row }"> |
<t-tag theme="success" v-if="!row.disabled">正常</t-tag> |
<t-tag theme="danger" v-else>禁用</t-tag> |
</template> |
<template #operation="{ row }"> |
<t-space align="center"> |
<t-popconfirm :content="`确认${!row.disabled ? '禁用' : '启用'}吗?`" @confirm="onChangeState(row)"> |
<t-button :theme="!row.disabled ? 'danger' : 'success'">{{ !row.disabled ? '禁用' : '启用' }}</t-button> |
</t-popconfirm> |
<t-popconfirm :content="`确认删除吗?`" @confirm="onDeleteManufacturer(row)"> |
<t-button theme="danger">删除</t-button> |
</t-popconfirm> |
<t-button @click="onShowEditor(row)">编辑</t-button> |
<t-button @click="onShowDetail(row)">详情</t-button> |
</t-space> |
</template> |
</t-table> |
</BasePanel> |
<ManufacturerEditor /> |
<ManufacturerDetail /> |
</template> |
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// |
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margin: 0; |
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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ |
<script setup> |
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from 'vue'; |
import eventBus from '@/utils/eventBus'; |
const visible = ref(false); |
/* function onCancel() { |
visible.value = false; |
info.value = {}; |
// form.value.reset(); |
} */ |
const info = ref({}); |
onMounted(() => { |
eventBus.on('show-manufacturer-detail', (row = {}) => { |
info.value = { ...row }; |
visible.value = true; |
}); |
}); |
onUnmounted(() => { |
eventBus.off('show-manufacturer-detail'); |
}); |
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v-model:visible="visible" |
:footer="null" |
top="70px" |
> |
<template #header> |
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center;">制造商详情</div> |
</template> |
<div class="grid-container"> |
<div class="grid-item label">企业/组织名称:</div> |
<div class="grid-item">{{ info.manufacturerName || '-' }}</div> |
<div class="grid-item label">法人代表:</div> |
<div class="grid-item">{{ info.legal || '-' }}</div> |
<div class="grid-item label">统一社会信用代码:</div> |
<div class="grid-item">{{ info.creditCode || '-' }}</div> |
<div class="grid-item label">联系人姓名:</div> |
<div class="grid-item">{{ info.contactName || '-' }}</div> |
<div class="grid-item label">联系人电话:</div> |
<div class="grid-item">{{ info.contactPhone || '-' }}</div> |
<div class="grid-item label">联系地址:</div> |
<div class="grid-item">{{ info.detailAddress || '-' }}</div> |
<div class="grid-item label">E-mail:</div> |
<div class="grid-item">{{ info.email || '-' }}</div> |
<div class="grid-item label">营业执照扫描件:</div> |
<div class="grid-item"> |
<t-image-viewer |
:images="[info.businessLicense]" |
> |
<template #trigger="{ open: onPreview }"> |
<div class="image-box"> |
<t-image |
shape="round" |
fit="cover" |
:style="{ 'min-width': '160px', height: '120px' }" |
:src="info.businessLicense" |
error="" |
/> |
<div class="image-hover" @click="onPreview"> |
<span><t-icon name="browse" size="1.4em" /> 预览</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
</t-image-viewer> |
</div> |
<div class="grid-item label">公司LOGO:</div> |
<div class="grid-item"> |
<t-image-viewer |
:images="[info.companyLogo]" |
> |
<template #trigger="{ open: onPreview }"> |
<div class="image-box"> |
<t-image |
shape="round" |
fit="cover" |
:style="{ 'min-width': '160px', height: '120px' }" |
:src="info.companyLogo" |
error="" |
/> |
<div class="image-hover" @click="onPreview"> |
<span><t-icon name="browse" size="1.4em" /> 预览</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
</t-image-viewer> |
</div> |
</div> |
</t-dialog> |
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// |
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display: grid; |
grid-template-columns: 160px auto; |
grid-gap: 10px; |
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text-align: right; |
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opacity: 1; |
cursor: pointer; |
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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ |
<script setup> |
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from 'vue'; |
import { MessagePlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; |
import { useManufacturerStore } from '@/stores'; |
import eventBus from '@/utils/eventBus'; |
import ImageUploader from '@/components/ImageUploader.vue'; |
import { update } from '@/utils/helpers'; |
const visible = ref(false); |
const manufacturerStore = useManufacturerStore(); |
const { createManufacturer, updateManufacturer } = manufacturerStore; |
const form = ref(); |
const formData = ref({ |
id: undefined, |
manufacturerName: undefined, |
manufacturerLogo: undefined, |
contactPhone: undefined, |
contactName: undefined, |
// province: undefined, |
// city: undefined, |
// county: undefined, |
// enterprise_name: undefined, |
legal: undefined, |
creditCode: undefined, |
detailAddress: undefined, |
email: undefined, |
businessLicense: undefined, |
companyLogo: undefined, |
// idcardNum: undefined, |
// idcardFrontPic: undefined, |
// idcardReversePic: undefined, |
// ruleProvince: undefined, |
// ruleCity: undefined, |
// ruleCounty: undefined, |
}); |
const FORM_RULES = { |
manufacturerName: [{ required: true, message: '请输入企业/组织名称' }], |
contactPhone: [{ required: true, message: '请输入联系人电话' }], |
contactName: [{ required: true, message: '请输入联系人名称' }], |
}; |
function onCancel() { |
visible.value = false; |
form.value.reset(); |
} |
function onSubmit({ validateResult }) { |
if (validateResult === true) { |
if (formData.value.id) { |
updateManufacturer(formData.value, { refreshList: true }).then(() => { |
MessagePlugin.success('更新成功'); |
onCancel(); |
}).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
return; |
} |
createManufacturer(formData.value, { refreshList: true }).then(() => { |
MessagePlugin.success('创建成功'); |
onCancel(); |
}).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
} |
} |
onMounted(() => { |
eventBus.on('show-manufacturer-editor', (row = {}) => { |
if (row.id) { |
formData.value = update(formData.value, row); |
} |
visible.value = true; |
}); |
}); |
onUnmounted(() => { |
eventBus.off('show-manufacturer-editor'); |
}); |
</script> |
<template> |
<t-dialog |
:class="s.root" |
v-model:visible="visible" |
:close-btn="false" |
:footer="null" |
@closed="onCancel" |
top="70px" |
> |
<template #header> |
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center;">{{ formData.id ? '更新' : '创建' }}制造商</div> |
</template> |
<t-form |
ref="form" |
:data="formData" |
:rules="FORM_RULES" |
label-width="150px" |
colon |
@submit="onSubmit" |
> |
<t-form-item name="id" v-show="false" /> |
<t-form-item label="企业/组织名称" name="manufacturerName"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.manufacturerName" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label="法人代表" name="legal"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.legal" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label="统一社会信用代码" name="creditCode"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.creditCode" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label="联系人姓名" name="contactName"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.contactName" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label="联系人电话" name="contactPhone" help="创建后的登录账号"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.contactPhone" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label="联系地址" name="detailAddress"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.detailAddress" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label="E-mail" name="email"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.email" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label="营业执照扫描件" name="businessLicense"> |
<ImageUploader subject="device_pic" v-model="formData.businessLicense" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label="公司LOGO" name="companyLogo"> |
<ImageUploader subject="device_pic" v-model="formData.companyLogo" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item> |
<t-space> |
<t-button theme="primary" type="submit">提交</t-button> |
<t-button theme="default" @click="onCancel">取消</t-button> |
</t-space> |
</t-form-item> |
</t-form> |
</t-dialog> |
</template> |
<style lang="less" module="s"> |
.root { |
// |
} |
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@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ |
<script setup> |
import { computed, onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from 'vue'; |
import ShapeCreator from '@/core/ShapeCreator'; |
import ShapeEditor from '@/core/ShapeEditor'; |
import ShapeRenderer from '@/core/ShapeRenderer'; |
import commonRefs from '@/utils/commonRefs'; |
import { MessagePlugin, NotifyPlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; |
import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router'; |
import { useNoFlyZoneStore } from '@/stores'; |
import { update } from '@/utils/helpers'; |
let Tips; |
const noFlyZoneCreator = new ShapeCreator('noFlyZone-form'); |
const noFlyZoneEditor = new ShapeEditor('noFlyZone-form', true); |
const noFlyZoneRenderer = new ShapeRenderer('noFlyZone-form'); |
const route = useRoute(); |
const router = useRouter(); |
const { createNoFlyZone, getNoFlyZoneDetail, updateNoFlyZone } = useNoFlyZoneStore(); |
const formData = ref({ |
id: undefined, |
detailAddress: undefined, |
effectTimeStart: undefined, |
effectTimeEnd: undefined, |
province: undefined, |
// city: undefined, |
// county: undefined, |
orbit: undefined, |
}); |
const FORM_RULES = { |
detailAddress: [{ required: true, message: '请输入禁飞区名称' }], |
effectTimeStart: [{ required: true, message: '请选择有效期范围' }], |
province: [{ required: true, message: '请输入禁飞区位置' }], |
orbit: [{ required: true, type: Array, message: '请绘制禁飞区' }], |
}; |
const effectiveTime = computed({ |
get() { |
if (formData.value.effectTimeStart && formData.value.effectTimeEnd) { |
return [formData.value.effectTimeStart * 1000, formData.value.effectTimeEnd * 1000]; |
} |
return []; |
}, |
set(nv) { |
const [startDay, endDay] = nv || []; |
formData.value.effectTimeStart = (startDay / 1000) || undefined; |
formData.value.effectTimeEnd = (endDay / 1000) || undefined; |
}, |
}); |
const onSubmit = ({ validateResult, firstError }) => { |
if (validateResult === true) { |
(formData.value.orbit || []).push({ ...formData.value.orbit[0] }); |
const data = { ...formData.value, orbit: JSON.stringify(formData.value.orbit) }; |
if (formData.value.id) { |
updateNoFlyZone(data).then(() => { |
MessagePlugin.success('更新成功'); |
router.back(); |
}).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
return; |
} |
createNoFlyZone(data).then(() => { |
MessagePlugin.success('添加成功'); |
router.back(); |
}).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
} else { |
MessagePlugin.warning(firstError); |
} |
}; |
function showOperationTips(action) { |
let content = ''; |
switch (action) { |
case 1: |
content = '在地图上,沿着禁飞区边缘逐个打点,最后闭合形状,即可围成一个禁飞区'; |
break; |
case 2: |
content = h => [ |
h('div', '请根据操作点上的提示进行编辑禁飞区'), |
h('div', '点击禁飞区以外区域,即可完成禁飞区编辑'), |
]; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
if (!content) return; |
Tips = NotifyPlugin.info({ |
title: '操作提示', |
content, |
offset: [0, 54], |
duration: 0, |
}); |
} |
function closeOperationTips() { |
if (Tips) NotifyPlugin.close(Tips); |
} |
const isEdit = computed(() => !!route?.params?.id); |
async function init() { |
// 等待地图实例 |
const map = await commonRefs.getRef('map'); |
noFlyZoneCreator.setMap(map); |
noFlyZoneEditor.setMap(map); |
noFlyZoneRenderer.setMap(map); |
noFlyZoneRenderer.updateStyle({ |
fillColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)', |
fillHoverColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)', |
strokeColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)', |
strokeHoverColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)', |
}); |
noFlyZoneCreator.on('shape_kinked', ({ action }) => { |
if (action === 'drag') { |
MessagePlugin.error('禁飞区形状扭结了'); |
return; |
} |
if (action === 'click') { |
MessagePlugin.error('在这个位置打点会造成禁飞区形状扭结'); |
return; |
} |
if (action === 'close') { |
MessagePlugin.error('禁飞区形状扭结了,无法闭合'); |
} |
}); |
noFlyZoneCreator.on('completed', (coordinates) => { |
noFlyZoneCreator.end(); |
noFlyZoneEditor.loadDataSource({ id: 0, points: coordinates }); |
closeOperationTips(); |
showOperationTips(2); |
}); |
noFlyZoneEditor.on('shape_kinked', ({ action }) => { |
if (action === 'drag') { |
MessagePlugin.error('禁飞区形状扭结了'); |
return; |
} |
if (action === 'close') { |
MessagePlugin.error('禁飞区形状扭结了,无法结束编辑'); |
} |
}); |
noFlyZoneEditor.on('completed', ({ points }) => { |
formData.value.orbit = (points || []).map(([lng, lat]) => ({ lng, lat })); |
const detail = { |
id: formData.value.id || 0, |
points, |
}; |
noFlyZoneRenderer.loadDataSource([detail]); |
closeOperationTips(); |
}); |
noFlyZoneRenderer.on('click', () => { |
noFlyZoneRenderer.clear(); |
noFlyZoneEditor.loadDataSource({ |
id: formData.value.id || 0, |
points: formData.value.orbit, |
}); |
showOperationTips(2); |
}); |
if (isEdit.value) { |
noFlyZoneRenderer.loadDataSource([{ id: formData.value.id, points: formData.value.orbit }]); |
noFlyZoneRenderer.fitShape(formData.value.id); |
noFlyZoneRenderer.clear(); |
noFlyZoneEditor.loadDataSource({ id: formData.value.id, points: formData.value.orbit }); |
} else { |
noFlyZoneCreator.start(); |
showOperationTips(1); |
} |
} |
onMounted(() => { |
if (isEdit.value) { |
getNoFlyZoneDetail(route.params.id).then(({ data }) => { |
formData.value = update(formData.value, data); |
formData.value.orbit = JSON.parse(formData.value.orbit); |
if (formData.value.orbit.length) { |
(formData.value.orbit || []).splice(formData.value.orbit.length - 1, 1); |
} |
init(); |
}).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
return; |
} |
init(); |
}); |
onUnmounted(() => { |
noFlyZoneCreator.clear(true); |
noFlyZoneEditor.clear(); |
noFlyZoneRenderer.clear(); |
closeOperationTips(); |
}); |
</script> |
<template> |
<div :class="s.root"> |
<div class="container"> |
<t-form |
ref="form" |
:data="formData" |
:rules="FORM_RULES" |
label-width="calc(2em + 60px)" |
layout="inline" |
scroll-to-first-error="smooth" |
@submit="onSubmit" |
> |
<t-form-item name="id" v-show="false" /> |
<t-form-item name="orbit" v-show="false" /> |
<t-form-item label="禁飞区名称" name="detailAddress"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.detailAddress" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label="禁飞区位置" name="province"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.province" placeholder="XX省 XX市 XX(区/县)" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label="生效日期" name="effectTimeStart"> |
<t-date-range-picker value-type="time-stamp" v-model="effectiveTime" clearable /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label-width="0" style="min-width: unset;"> |
<t-space size="small"> |
<t-button theme="primary" type="submit">提交</t-button> |
<t-button theme="default" @click="router.back()">返回列表</t-button> |
</t-space> |
</t-form-item> |
</t-form> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<style lang="less" module="s"> |
.root { |
position: absolute; |
top: 0; |
padding: var(--td-comp-paddingTB-m) var(--td-comp-paddingLR-l); |
:global { |
.container { |
pointer-events: auto; |
background-color: var(--td-bg-color-container); |
border-radius: var(--td-radius-medium); |
padding: var(--td-comp-paddingTB-xl) var(--td-comp-paddingLR-l); |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ |
<script setup> |
import BasePanel from '@/components/BasePanel.vue'; |
import { computed, ref, onMounted, onUnmounted } from 'vue'; |
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; |
import { formatTime } from '@/utils/helpers'; |
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'; |
import { useNoFlyZoneStore } from '@/stores'; |
import { MessagePlugin, DialogPlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; |
import ShapeRenderer from '@/core/ShapeRenderer'; |
import commonRefs from '@/utils/commonRefs'; |
import gcoord from 'gcoord'; |
const noFlyZoneRenderer = new ShapeRenderer('noFlyZone-show'); |
async function init() { |
const map = await commonRefs.getRef('map'); |
noFlyZoneRenderer.setMap(map); |
noFlyZoneRenderer.updateStyle({ |
fillColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)', |
fillHoverColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)', |
strokeColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)', |
strokeHoverColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)', |
}); |
} |
onMounted(() => { |
init(); |
}); |
const noFlyZoneStore = useNoFlyZoneStore(); |
const { noFlyZoneList, noFlyZoneQueries, noFlyZoneExtra } = storeToRefs(noFlyZoneStore); |
const { getNoFlyZoneList, deleteNoFlyZone, updateNoFlyZoneState } = noFlyZoneStore; |
function onDeleteNoFlyZone(row = {}) { |
const dialog = DialogPlugin({ |
header: '操作确认', |
body: '确认删除此禁飞区吗?', |
onConfirm: () => { |
deleteNoFlyZone(row.id, { refreshList: true }).then(() => { |
MessagePlugin.success('删除成功'); |
}).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}).finally(() => { |
dialog.hide(); |
}); |
}, |
}); |
} |
function onUpdateNoFlyZoneState(row = {}) { |
const dialog = DialogPlugin({ |
header: '操作确认', |
body: `确认${!row.disabled ? '禁用' : '启用'}此禁飞区吗?`, |
onConfirm: () => { |
updateNoFlyZoneState(row, { refreshList: true }).then(() => { |
MessagePlugin.success('更改成功'); |
}).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}).finally(() => { |
dialog.hide(); |
}); |
}, |
}); |
} |
function loadList(queries = {}) { |
getNoFlyZoneList(queries).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
} |
loadList(); |
function onPageChange({ current, pageSize }) { |
loadList({ page: current, pageSize }); |
} |
function onFilterChange({ type = undefined } = {}) { |
loadList({ type }); |
} |
const search = ref(); |
function onSearchList() { |
loadList({ search: search.value }); |
} |
const columns = [ |
{ colKey: 'detailAddress', title: '禁飞区名称', ellipsis: true, width: '300px' }, |
{ |
colKey: 'province', |
title: '禁飞区位置', |
ellipsis: true, |
cell: (_, { row }) => { |
const { province, city, county } = row; |
if (county) { |
return `${province || ''}${city || ''}${county || ''}`; |
} |
if (province) { |
return province; |
} |
return '-'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
colKey: 'type', |
title: '禁飞区类型', |
ellipsis: true, |
width: '150px', |
cell: (_, { row }) => (row.type === 1 ? '标准禁飞区' : '民航禁飞区'), |
filter: { |
type: 'single', |
list: [ |
{ label: '标准禁飞区', value: 1 }, |
{ label: '民航禁飞区', value: 2 }, |
], |
showConfirmAndReset: true, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
colKey: 'time', |
title: '有效时间', |
ellipsis: true, |
cell: (_, { row }) => `${formatTime(row.effectTimeStart * 1000, 'YYYY-MM-DD')}/${formatTime(row.effectTimeEnd * 1000, 'YYYY-MM-DD')}`, |
}, |
{ colKey: 'effectStatus', title: '是否有效', ellipsis: true }, |
{ colKey: 'disabled', title: '当前状态', ellipsis: true }, |
{ colKey: 'operation', title: '操作', fixed: 'right', width: '100px' }, |
]; |
const expandAbility = ref(false); |
const width = computed(() => (expandAbility.value ? '50vh' : '100%')); |
const router = useRouter(); |
function onNavTo(routeName, param = {}) { |
router.push({ |
name: routeName, |
...(param.id ? { params: { id: param.id } } : {}), |
}); |
} |
const pagination = computed(() => ({ |
current: noFlyZoneQueries.value.page, |
pageSize: noFlyZoneQueries.value.pageSize, |
total: noFlyZoneExtra.value.total, |
showPageSize: !expandAbility.value, |
size: expandAbility.value ? 'small' : 'medium', |
})); |
function onShowNoFlyZone(row = {}) { |
if (!expandAbility.value) { |
expandAbility.value = true; |
} |
const { orbit: pointStr, id } = row; |
const orbit = JSON.parse(pointStr); |
const points = orbit.map(item => gcoord.transform([item.lng, item.lat], gcoord.WGS84, gcoord.GCJ02)); |
const detail = { |
id, |
points, |
}; |
noFlyZoneRenderer.loadDataSource([detail]); |
noFlyZoneRenderer.fitShape(id, { right: 80 }, 150); |
} |
onUnmounted(() => { |
noFlyZoneRenderer.clear(); |
}); |
</script> |
<template> |
<BasePanel :width="width" :expand-ability="expandAbility"> |
<template #header>禁飞区管理</template> |
<template #header-extra> |
<t-space> |
<t-button @click="onNavTo('NoFlyZoneCreateView')">新增禁飞区</t-button> |
<t-button v-if="expandAbility" @click="expandAbility = false">展开列表</t-button> |
</t-space> |
</template> |
<template #top-bar> |
<t-space align="center"> |
<div>关键字查询</div> |
<t-input v-model="search" clearable /> |
<t-button @click="onSearchList">查询</t-button> |
</t-space> |
</template> |
<t-table |
row-key="id" |
:data="noFlyZoneList" |
:columns="columns" |
cell-empty-content="-" |
:pagination="pagination" |
@filter-change="onFilterChange" |
@page-change="onPageChange" |
> |
<template #effectStatus="{ row }"> |
<t-tag theme="primary" v-if="row.effectStatus === 1">有效</t-tag> |
<t-tag theme="warning" v-else>无效</t-tag> |
</template> |
<template #disabled="{ row }"> |
<t-tag theme="success" v-if="!row.disabled">启用</t-tag> |
<t-tag theme="danger" v-else>禁用</t-tag> |
</template> |
<template #operation="{ row }"> |
<t-dropdown> |
<t-button shape="square" variant="text"> |
<template #icon> |
<t-icon name="view-list" /> |
</template> |
</t-button> |
<t-dropdown-menu> |
<template v-if="row.type === 1"> |
<t-dropdown-item @click="onUpdateNoFlyZoneState(row)">{{ !row.disabled ? '禁用' : '启用' }}</t-dropdown-item> |
<t-dropdown-item @click="onDeleteNoFlyZone(row)">删除</t-dropdown-item> |
<t-dropdown-item @click="onNavTo('NoFlyZoneEditorView', row)">编辑</t-dropdown-item> |
<t-dropdown-item @click="onShowNoFlyZone(row)">查看</t-dropdown-item> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<t-dropdown-item @click="onShowNoFlyZone(row)">查看</t-dropdown-item> |
</template> |
</t-dropdown-menu> |
</t-dropdown> |
</template> |
</t-table> |
</BasePanel> |
</template> |
<style lang="less" module="s"> |
.root { |
// |
} |
.dropdown { |
:global { |
.t-dropdown__submenu ul { |
margin: 0; |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ |
<script setup> |
import BasePanel from '@/components/BasePanel.vue'; |
import { computed } from 'vue'; |
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'; |
import { useRegulatorStore } from '@/stores'; |
import { MessagePlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; |
import RegulatorEditor from '@/views/RegulatorView/components/RegulatorEditor.vue'; |
import eventBus from '@/utils/eventBus'; |
const regulatorStore = useRegulatorStore(); |
const { regulatorList, regulatorQueries, regulatorExtra } = storeToRefs(regulatorStore); |
const { getRegulatorList } = regulatorStore; |
function loadList(queries = {}) { |
getRegulatorList(queries).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
} |
loadList(); |
function onPageChange({ current, pageSize }) { |
loadList({ page: current, pageSize }); |
} |
const columns = [ |
{ colKey: 'serial-number', title: '序列号', ellipsis: true }, |
// { colKey: 'contactName', title: '联系人名称', ellipsis: true }, |
{ colKey: 'phone', title: '手机号(账号)', ellipsis: true }, |
]; |
function onShowEditor(row = {}) { |
eventBus.emit('show-regulator-editor', row); |
} |
const pagination = computed(() => ({ |
current: regulatorQueries.value.page, |
pageSize: regulatorQueries.value.pageSize, |
total: regulatorExtra.value.total, |
})); |
</script> |
<template> |
<BasePanel> |
<template #header>监管者管理</template> |
<template #header-extra> |
<t-space> |
<t-button @click="onShowEditor">新增监管者</t-button> |
</t-space> |
</template> |
<template #top-bar> |
<t-space align="center" v-if="false"> |
<div>关键字查询</div> |
<t-input clearable /> |
<t-button>查询</t-button> |
</t-space> |
</template> |
<t-table |
row-key="id" |
:data="regulatorList" |
:columns="columns" |
cell-empty-content="-" |
:pagination="pagination" |
@page-change="onPageChange" |
/> |
</BasePanel> |
<RegulatorEditor /> |
</template> |
<style lang="less" module="s"> |
.root { |
// |
} |
.dropdown { |
:global { |
.t-dropdown__submenu ul { |
margin: 0; |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ |
<script setup> |
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from 'vue'; |
import { MessagePlugin } from 'tdesign-vue-next'; |
import { useRegulatorStore } from '@/stores'; |
import eventBus from '@/utils/eventBus'; |
const visible = ref(false); |
const regulatorStore = useRegulatorStore(); |
const { createRegulator } = regulatorStore; |
const form = ref(); |
const formData = ref({ |
phone: undefined, |
password: undefined, |
}); |
const FORM_RULES = { |
phone: [{ required: true, message: '请输入手机号' }], |
password: [{ required: true, message: '请输入密码' }], |
}; |
function onCancel() { |
visible.value = false; |
form.value.reset(); |
} |
function onSubmit({ validateResult }) { |
if (validateResult === true) { |
createRegulator(formData.value, { refreshList: true }).then(() => { |
MessagePlugin.success('创建成功'); |
onCancel(); |
}).catch(({ message }) => { |
if (message) MessagePlugin.error(message); |
}); |
} |
} |
onMounted(() => { |
eventBus.on('show-regulator-editor', () => { |
visible.value = true; |
}); |
}); |
onUnmounted(() => { |
eventBus.off('show-regulator-editor'); |
}); |
</script> |
<template> |
<t-dialog |
:class="s.root" |
v-model:visible="visible" |
:close-btn="false" |
:footer="null" |
@closed="onCancel" |
> |
<template #header> |
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: center;">创建监管者</div> |
</template> |
<t-form |
ref="form" |
:data="formData" |
:rules="FORM_RULES" |
label-width="150px" |
colon |
@submit="onSubmit" |
> |
<t-form-item label="手机号" name="phone" help="创建后的登录账号"> |
<t-input v-model="formData.phone" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item label="密码" name="password"> |
<t-input type="password" v-model="formData.password" /> |
</t-form-item> |
<t-form-item> |
<t-space> |
<t-button theme="primary" type="submit">提交</t-button> |
<t-button theme="default" @click="onCancel">取消</t-button> |
</t-space> |
</t-form-item> |
</t-form> |
</t-dialog> |
</template> |
<style lang="less" module="s"> |
.root { |
// |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
/** |
* 本地持久化配置项 |
*/ |
import { toValue } from 'vue'; |
import { createGlobalState, useStorage } from '@vueuse/core'; |
export const useGlobalSettings = createGlobalState(() => { |
const settings = useStorage('settings', { |
showMapHd: true, |
showFieldFill: true, |
showFieldName: true, |
}); |
const valueOf = () => toValue(settings); |
const set = (key, val) => { |
if (key in settings.value) settings.value[key] = val; |
}; |
return { set, valueOf }; |
}); |
export default null; |
Reference in new issue